Archived webcast of June 25-26 conference
Thanks to all for a successful summer conference! We’re still hearing about some great connections and synergies made at the gathering that will help further transformative nanotech. With the addition of NASA-Ames Singularity University grad students, as well as 20Under20 Thiel Fellows, there was standing room only on Sunday afternoon; we intimately filled the 236-occupant venue room, with overflow chat in the hall ‘Alley’. Some quotes that rolled in just hours after the conference was over:
Want to see the video? We’re in the process of putting together more elegant video for the conference, but in the meantime you can see recordings of the free webcast via Ustream (with ads) here:
Photos have been posted by Eric Messick here!
Special Thanks again to all the fantastic speakers, supporters, sponsors and also especially volunteers, notably including: Monica Anderson, Chris Rasch, Max Marty, Michael Anissimov, Miron Cuperman, Chris Hibbert, Eric Messick, Peter Norvig and all the Google staff for making a wonderful event.
Library of Foresight Institute Conferences on Nanotechnology, 1989–2013
Library of Foresight Vision Weekends and Senior Associates Gatherings, 1992–2008