Jim Von Ehr, CEO, Zyvex Labs
“For the first time, progress across all key nanoscale disciplines has been brought together into R&D pathways leading to atomically-precise manufacturing, with revolutionary applications to medicine, smart materials, and energy. We look forward to hearing from technologists in industry, academia, and government on their thoughts about this roadmap, and their suggestions for improvement in the next version.”
Steve Jurvetson, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
“Since the concept of building molecule-by-molecule was introduced, investors and business professionals have wondered how we could possibly get from the nanotechnology of coatings and simple materials to the atomically-precise manufacturing that will have a revolutionary impact on business and our society. This Roadmap is a good step towards detailing on how we will get there.”
J. Fraser Stoddart, Northwestern University
“We’ll only reach the goal of atomically-precise manufacturing through extensive multidisciplinary collaborative research. This Roadmap will help researchers identify the pathways and talent sets needed to make the fundamental breakthroughs that will lead, on the one hand, to new medical treatments and bring us ever closer, on the other hand, to using nanomachines for complete control inside reticular structures, as well as at both molecular and supramolecular levels.”
Thomas Theis, Director, Physical Sciences, IBM Research
“The Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems nicely compliments the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. The ITRS focuses on the ongoing challenges to further miniaturization of the transistor for applications in information technology. The TRPN focuses on the research challenges to realizing a future of ubiquitous atomic precision manufacturing and many applications of nanofabrication technology well outside the traditional domain of information technology.”
Alex Kawczak, VP, Nanostructured Materials and BioProducts, Battelle
“Battelle is very pleased to be a partner on this critical pioneering nanotechnology project. The advancement of nanotechnology is a highly collaborative endeavor that requires complex cooperation across disciplines. The roadmap provides the foundation needed for this cooperation as research moves towards atomically precise manufacturing to meet the needs of industrial and government markets.”
KW Lim, Executive Director, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore
“This is the first attempt to identify the challenges in creating productive nanosystems. It provides an important reference for the research community. IMRE and Singaporean research will benefit.”
Malcolm O’Neill, retired CTO, Lockheed
“Foresight, Zyvex and the others have done a masterful job. This document provides a recipe for future progress in energy, medicine and other equally important fields of endeavor. It is amazing to understand how many scientific and commercial breakthroughs will be enabled by Atomically Precise Manufacturing. APM should be a major focus of the global scientific and engineering communities. Put this roadmap in place immediately!”
Contact: Desiree D. Dudley
Director of Development and Outreach
650-289-0860 x 254
[email protected]