Small Wonders in Business 2.0

Gina Miller writes "Tim Harper has written a feature in the July 2002 issue of Business 2.0, Small Wonders, covering the advent of nanotechnology. He writes "What's the real story? Simply this: What is happening in nanotech is indeed revolutionary, but it's happening on a level far removed from products and markets. It's happening on the level of a fundamental understanding of how the universe operates at the scale of atoms and molecules, where Mother Nature does some of her most clever work. Some of the world's top scientists, in disciplines such as biology, chemistry, and physics that are traditionally seen as separate, are focusing on the field. With this will come an explosion of discovery, encouraged by government funding — $2 billion worldwide this year — unseen since the Apollo space program." The article describes current nanotech products and those that will arrive in the coming years."

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