Speakers at Brookhaven NT conclave advocate public-private alliances

An article on the Small Times website ("Speakers call for bridge-building between research and commerce", by Jack Mason, 27 March 2002) reports that "For nanotechnology to live up to its potential, leaders in the field say, something equally unparalleled must develop ñ a closer alliance between public and private sectors, as well as a shift toward cross-discipline research and education in universities." (Apparently the ST reporter on Long Island is not too familiar with the efforts of states like California, New York, Texas, and numerous others to do exactly that.) The article covers the comments of speakers to an audience of scientists, businesspeople and public officials who gathered at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island in mid-March to hear industry researchers, professors and policy makers map nanotechnologyís future, as well as the role for Brookhavenís proposed nanocenter (see Nanodot post 22 March 2002).

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