Allison Duettmann, Foresight Institute
Alison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Groups, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees. She shares Foresight’s work with the public, for instance at the Wall Street Journal, SXSW, O’Reilly AI, WEF, The Partnership on AI, Effective Altruism Global, and TEDx. She founded, co-edited Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy, co-authored Gaming the Future, and co-initiated The Longevity Prize…
Allison gave opening remarks about the potential for cryptocommerce. Although opportunities for bright futures enabled by bio, nano, and AI technologies are now within our reach, their proliferation also comes with risks and authoritarian attempts at control. Cryptographic tools can help us navigate the traps because they enable decentralized, secure cooperation, thereby unlocking a path of high technology, security, and freedom. Despite their potential, cryptographic tools are still highly undervalued, not just in traditional politics, law and economics, but even in the “crypto” community. She encourages this workshop to explore how cryptographic tools can help civilization to cooperate, defend itself, and do both in light of AI.