Anna Yelizarova, Future of Life Institute
Interests: AI safety and alignment, AI governance and ethics, global coordination, tech policy, computational social science, Disinformation. As a Stanford student, I completed a Bachelor's in Computer Science with a focus in Human Computer Interaction and a Master's Degree in Communication with a focus on Media Studies. My graduate work heavily revolved around virtual reality. I worked at the Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL) on campus, a lab who’s focus is to understand the dynamics and implications of interactions among people in immersive virtual reality simulations. I took a combination of media production classes in Immersive Storytelling, experimented a lot with 360 content creation while conducting VR research at the lab as part of my Master’s thesis.
The windfall clause is a promise for any AI companies to donate much of their windfall if they experience astronomical profits. Such profits would be on the order of 1% of global GDP. The windfall trust is an entity designed to manage this abundance should it ever come to fruition. The assets the trust holds would belong to all of humanity, with an implementation of universal basic income to the poorest first to create a steadily rising income floor. The institute is attempting to answer legal questions about the process as well as figure out governance and distribution methods.