
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
I am a scientist originally from Porto in Portugal but have lived in Belgium and in the US (Boston), and I’m also of Spanish ancestry. Following training at Harvard Medical School, I am now a Professor at the University of Birmingham in England. My lab studies aging and longevity using a combination of data-driven approaches and cellular and molecular methods. As detailed on my website dedicated to the biology of aging, I would ultimately like my work to help people live longer, healthier lives by manipulating the human aging process.
People have always sought eternal life and everlasting youth, thus far without success. Recent technological breakthroughs have given strength to the idea that a cure for human aging can eventually be developed. In this talk, Joao discusses the latest advances in aging therapies and the prospects of curing human aging. If aging is unlikely to be controlled or cured within the foreseeable future, the only scientific avenue to eternal life is via cryopreservation.
He would like to see death perceived as the truly horrendous experience it really is.