
Judd Rosenblatt, AE Studio
I founded and run AE Studio, an agile web dev & data science studio on Abbot Kinney, Venice, Los Angeles, focused on increasing human agency with the tech we build. Built all sorts of cool stuff for smaller startups and bigger companies like Walmart & Berkshire Hathaway. Sites, apps, & tougher data science, deep learning, blockchain, etc. A lot of what we do at AE is driven by the philosophy that it’s generally better business sense to build agency-increasing products because it makes your users like you more, use you more, spend more money, and come back and refer their friends. That’s the attitude we take with all our client work and with every product we build. We build some internal skunkworks projects for fun too. Recently sold the first of those for a number of millions of dollars I’m not allowed to mention...
In this talk summary, Judd Rosenblatt discusses the highest impact machine learning (ML) work that can be done to accelerate brain-computer interfaces (BCI) or whole brain emulation. He emphasizes the importance of taking a neglected problems approach, similar to effective altruism, in order to potentially achieve significant outcomes. Rosenblatt also extends this concept to the field of AI alignment, suggesting the exploration of neglected approaches, including technologies like BCI, to enhance human capacity. He raises the question of whether AI alignment is capital constrained and proposes considering how large amounts of capital could be invested in accelerating BCI hardware and AI alignment. Additionally, Rosenblatt mentions a practical step to improve productivity using BCI, which is the use of his company’s app called Universal Launcher. This app allows users to quickly capture ideas and tasks, effectively boosting productivity by eliminating the need to hold them in working memory.