
Leon Peshkin, Harvard Scientist
I came into Systems Biology from the Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics background to inform computational methods with biological insight and help advance the state of probabilistic modeling and data analysis in biological medical research. My passion is understanding the root causes of aging and unlocking nature's mechanism for longevity and reversal of age-induced damage. Cancer, Alzheimer's, most other things we die of are the symptoms of underlying condition which must be cured - aging...
Leon Peshkin, Harvard Scientist, cautions us about hype and false promises of longevity therapies and encourages scientists in the field to sober up. He has seen the same cycle repeat for many waves of research. A new concept is discovered, flooded with bandwagoning and poor research, and then abandoned. He wants to build a process that retains the useful knowledge from each cycle in a machine-learning capable manner, so that the valuable portions of research effort are preserved. We need to organize a crowdsourced effort to create and curate data on aging at scale.