Oleg Gang, Professor at Columbia University
Oleg Gang explores the behavior of soft and biomolecular systems and develops novel nanomaterial fabrication strategies based on self-organization. His research interests cover nanoparticle assembly and functionality, polymers and biopolymers, hybrid systems built from bioderived and nanoscale components, liquids, and colloidal phenomena. To probe materials in relevant environments, in action and in 3D, Gang uses a broad range of methods, including synchrotron techniques and nanoscale imaging...
Oleg Gang, Professor at Columbia University, is working on digital fabrication of complex nanoscale materials. The idea is to convert the nanomaterial construction process into a generic voxel (volumetric pixel) method, that can build anything you want using programmable, self-assembling units. To construct nanomachines this way, we’ll need visualization tools, a general purpose 3d printer or self-assembly method, and appropriate modeling software. The applications of such technology would allow us to construct extremely intricate materials and 3d nanohardware, including 3d wiring at the nano scale.