The 2024 Longevity Frontiers Workshop is jointly hosted by the Longevity Biotech Fellowship and Foresight Institute. Our community’s shared vision is building a future free of disease and aging. This workshop brings together top scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors to develop ideas for new critical path and bottleneck breaking projects in 5 key focus areas. Top-rated projects are candidates for funding from present funders, the LBF Accelerator Fund, and the Longevity Prize.
Many longevity areas are still underexplored. Some were surfaced by our 2022 workshop, some are highlighted by the Longevity Prize, some are entirely new. This two-day event invites leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders to drive progress. Explore new opportunities, form lasting collaborations, and join us in driving cooperation toward shared long-term goals.
There are many areas within longevity that could benefit from support that is invisible to the growing amount of outside funding and talent that is entering the space. This two-day event invites Foresight’s Biotech & Health Extension Group’s top researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders to highlight undervalued areas for progress.
This is a summary of longevity technology sponsored by 100 Plus Capital. It is imperative that we understand all methods being pursued to extend healthspan, the progress and evidence for each method, and the people making it happen. This report is an initial scaffold which will be updated and expanded upon as we get specific information from domain experts.
This is the annual seminar report of Foresight’s Biotech & Health Extension Group sponsored by 100 Plus Capital. A group of scientists, entrepreneurs, funders, and institutional allies who cooperate to advance biotechnology to reverse aging, extend human healthspans, and improve cognition. Meetings are private and may be off the record. Those that are recorded can be found in our seminar summaries page and are overviewed in this report. In addition to collaborations via our seminars, the 2021 Accelerator offered mentorship and support for particularly promising projects.
Specialists in research areas related to increasing human longevity will collaborate with those tackling the challenges of atomically-precise 3D structures and molecular machines, including construction molecular biology, computational chemistry, and engineering.
A multidisciplinary group of specialists in healthspan and longevity research will collaborate with those tackling the challenges of atomically-precise 3D structures and molecular machines, including construction pathways using chemistry, applied physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and engineering.
This meeting focuses on long-term prospects for revolutionary advances in medical applications based on improved precision in the control of matter, and speeding up research into that direction.