Logan Collins | Mapping the Human Brain with Expansion X-ray Microscopy @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Logan Collins, Washington University My name is Logan Thrasher Collins and I make science fiction into reality. I am a futurist, synthetic biologist, author, and innovator. I am also a 2023 Foresight Fellow. When I was 16, I invented a new antimicrobial protein, OpaL (Overexpressed protein aggregator Lipophilic). I next developed a bacterial conjugation… Continue reading Logan Collins | Mapping the Human Brain with Expansion X-ray Microscopy @ WBE Workshop 2023

Michael Andregg | How Much Compute is Needed to Run a Human Brain Emulation? @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Michael Andregg, Fathom Radiant Founder of VC-backed startup building optical computers for AGI I’m endeavoring to do the most good I can. I co-founded Fathom as a public benefit corporation whose mission is to advance machine intelligence for the benefit of all. I’ve investigated alternative computing methods like superconducting single quantum flux logic and… Continue reading Michael Andregg | How Much Compute is Needed to Run a Human Brain Emulation? @ WBE Workshop 2023

Niccolò Zanichelli | What can AI do for Whole Brain Emulation @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Niccolò Zanichelli, Università degli Studi di Parma Student at Università degli Studi di Parma Summary: This talk summary discusses the impact of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) on the field of connectomics. It highlights that machine learning has revolutionized connectomics and is becoming a foundational technology in the field. The use of machine… Continue reading Niccolò Zanichelli | What can AI do for Whole Brain Emulation @ WBE Workshop 2023

Anita Fowler | Why? @ Whole Brain Emulation Workshop 2023

Presenter Anita Folwer, Carboncopies Foundation My primary interest is helping substrate independence for humans become a technical and ethical possibility. I am also an independent researcher interested in complex systems, an organizer of things, and a nature-lover. Main motivating question: Why not try? Summary: In this talk summary, Anita Fowler, President of the Carbon Copies… Continue reading Anita Fowler | Why? @ Whole Brain Emulation Workshop 2023

David Dalrymple | Rethinking Uploading Given 10-Year AI Timelines @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter David Dalrymple, Oxford University Davidad studied computer architecture and programming languages at MIT, then biophysics and neuroinformatics at Harvard. He led an international collaboration to employ new methods to interrogate the smallest nervous system in nature (that of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans), funded by personal grants from Google cofounder Larry Page and PayPal cofounder… Continue reading David Dalrymple | Rethinking Uploading Given 10-Year AI Timelines @ WBE Workshop 2023

Renaud Jolivet | Simulating the Other Half of the Brain @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Renaud Jolivet, Maastricht University Full Professor at MaCSBio, Maastricht University | CERN ISOLDE User Team Leader | Member of the Board of Directors at Organization for Computational Neurosciences | EBRAINS S&T Committee | 2023 Foresight Institute Neurotech Fellow | ERA Forum Representative at European Commission | Neurosciences, Neuroengineering and Science Policy Summary: In this… Continue reading Renaud Jolivet | Simulating the Other Half of the Brain @ WBE Workshop 2023

Robert McIntyre | AGI Risks & WBE Opportunities @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Robert McIntyre, Nectome Inc CEO at Nectome Inc Robert comes from a background of artificial intelligence at MIT, where he studied under Marvin Minsky and Patrick Winston. After completing an award winning master’s thesis on embodied cognition, he turned his sights to the problem of cognitive science. He realized that it would be incredibly… Continue reading Robert McIntyre | AGI Risks & WBE Opportunities @ WBE Workshop 2023

Randall A. Koene | Reining in Difficulty & Time to Whole Brain Emulation @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Randall A. Koene, Carboncopies Randal A. Koene is a Dutch neuroscientist and neuroengineer, and co-founder of carboncopies.org, the outreach and roadmapping organization for advancing Substrate-Independent Minds (SIM). Between 2008 and 2010, Koene was Director of the Department of Neuroengineering at the Fatronik-Tecnalia Institute in Spain, the third largest private research organization in Europe. Koene… Continue reading Randall A. Koene | Reining in Difficulty & Time to Whole Brain Emulation @ WBE Workshop 2023

Anders Sandberg | Match Made in Heaven, Tortoise vs. Hare Race, Or too Little, Too Late? @ WBE 2023

Presenter Anders Sandberg, Future of Humanity Institute Anders Sandberg’s research at the Future of Humanity Institute centres on management of low-probability high-impact risks, estimating the capabilities of future technologies, and very long-range futures. Anders is a Senior Research Fellow. Topics of particular interest include global catastrophic risk, cognitive biases, cognitive enhancement, collective intelligence, neuroethics, and… Continue reading Anders Sandberg | Match Made in Heaven, Tortoise vs. Hare Race, Or too Little, Too Late? @ WBE 2023

Allison Duettman | Foresight Institute and WBE Introduction @ WBE Workshop 2023

Presenter Allison Duettmann, Foresight Institute Allison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Programs, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees, and shares this work with the public. She founded Existentialhope.com, co-edited Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy, co-authored Gaming the Future, and… Continue reading Allison Duettman | Foresight Institute and WBE Introduction @ WBE Workshop 2023

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