Logan Collins | Viruses inside vaults: a powerful new gene therapy delivery system

Michael Levin, Tufts University | Agential interventions: from diverse intelligence to next-generation biomedicine

Calen Ryan | CALERIE Trials: Long-term Caloric Restriction on DNA methylation of Biological Aging

Presenter Calen Ryan, Columbia University Dr. Ryan is an Associate Research Scientist in the Columbia Aging Center Geroscience Core at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. His work sits at the intersection of evolutionary biology, medicine, and public health, integrating high-throughput epigenetic data with large, longitudinal datasets to explore the impact of reproduction,… Continue reading Calen Ryan | CALERIE Trials: Long-term Caloric Restriction on DNA methylation of Biological Aging

Michael Levin | Endogenous Bioelectrical Networks: An Interface to Regenerative Medicine

Presenter Michael Levin Michael Levin is the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor of Biology at Tufts University, and associate faculty at Harvard’s Wyss Institute. He serves as the director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts and the co-director of the Institute for Computationally Designed Organisms at Tufts/UVM. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed publications across… Continue reading Michael Levin | Endogenous Bioelectrical Networks: An Interface to Regenerative Medicine

Jamie Justice | XPRIZE Seminar

Presenter Jamie Justice, XPRIZE Jamie is the Executive Vice President of the Health Domain at XPRIZE Foundation, and Adjunct Professor in Internal Medicine Section on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, and Sticht Center on Healthy Aging and Alzheimer’s Prevention at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (WFUSM). She is dedicated to Geroscience research that advances the… Continue reading Jamie Justice | XPRIZE Seminar

Sruthi Sivakumar, Retro Bio | Systems Biology of Aging

Sofya Lebedeva | Beyond Microbial Resistance: Nonprofit Roadmap to AMR Solutions

Presenter Sofya Lebedeva, ARMOR Sofya Lebedeva, co-founder of ARMOR [Alliance for Reducing Microbial Resistance], has over 3 years of experience in the biosecurity space, and a PhD (in progress) in Clinical Medicine at Oxford. She will be working on this project part time, providing additional research capacity and helping facilitate connections in academia. She’s half… Continue reading Sofya Lebedeva | Beyond Microbial Resistance: Nonprofit Roadmap to AMR Solutions

Laurence Ion | Vitalia: New Cities to Accelerate Scientific Progress and Make Death Optional

Presenter Laurence Ion Laurence is the co-initiator at Vitalia, Founding Steward at VitaDAO. He is on a mission to bring aging under medical control ASAP. Summary: Vitalia.city: A “Los Alamos” for Longevity – an invitation to join the first 200 residents co-living and co-working to make death optional. Starting with a 2-month pop-up city on the Roatán island (January 6 – March 1) Harboring renegade life scientists,… Continue reading Laurence Ion | Vitalia: New Cities to Accelerate Scientific Progress and Make Death Optional

Mark Hamalainen | A Coherent, Executable Plan to Achieve Unlimited Healthy Lifespan

Presenter Mark Hamalainen Mark Hamalainen is cofounder of the Longevity Biotech Fellowship. His career has progressed from manual bench work in academia, to lab automation at Synthego, to longevity movement building – always seeking better methods and higher leverage ways to accelerate progress. Summary: The Longevity Biotech Fellowship (LBF)’s mission is to enable a future… Continue reading Mark Hamalainen | A Coherent, Executable Plan to Achieve Unlimited Healthy Lifespan

The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium | Update Seminar

Presenter The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium are a consortium of scholars and practitioners developing, validating, and implementing biomarkers of aging and longevity. Their members are affiliated with the leading research institutes and groups in the field of aging. Their practitioners are at the forefront of research and development in the… Continue reading The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium | Update Seminar

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