Existential Hope | David Deutsch: On Beauty, Knowledge, and Progress

Presenter David Deutsch, University of Oxford David Deutsch is a British physicist at the University of Oxford. He is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Atomic and Laser Physics at the Centre for Quantum Computation (CQC) in the Clarendon Laboratory of the University of Oxford. He pioneered the field of quantum computation by formulating… Continue reading Existential Hope | David Deutsch: On Beauty, Knowledge, and Progress

Anders Sandberg | Grand Futures & The Post-Human Coral Reef

Presenter Anders Sandberg, Oxford University Anders Sandberg’s research at the Future of Humanity Institute centres on management of low-probability high-impact risks, estimating the capabilities of future technologies, and very long-range futures.Anders is a Senior Research Fellow on the ERC UnPrEDICT Programme. Topics of particular interest include global catastrophic risk, cognitive biases, cognitive enhancement… Summary: In… Continue reading Anders Sandberg | Grand Futures & The Post-Human Coral Reef

Gaia Dempsey & Deger Turan | Lightning Talks @ Foresight’s Existential Hope Day 2023

Tushant Jha | Lightning Talks @ Foresight’s Existential Hope Day 2023

Creon Levit, Danielle Fong, Michael Nielsen, Jessy Kate Schingler | Fireside Chat @ X-Hope day 2023

Robin Hanson, Toby Ord, Anna Yelizarova, Will Zeng, Christine Peterson | Fireside @ XHope day 2023

Existential Hope Special with Lee Cronin | Catalyzing Progress Through Chemistry

Presenter Lee Cronin Lee Cronin was born in the UK and was fascinated with science and technology from an early age getting his first computer and chemistry set when he was 8 years old. This is when he first started thinking about programming chemistry and looking for inorganic… Summary: In this thrilling episode of the… Continue reading Existential Hope Special with Lee Cronin | Catalyzing Progress Through Chemistry

David Leigh | Exploring the possibilities of nanotechnology

Presenter David Leigh, University of Manchester David Leigh FRS obtained his PhD from the University of Sheffield in 1987 and, after postdoctoral research at the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa, he returned to the UK as a Lecturer at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in 1989. In 1998 he… Continue reading David Leigh | Exploring the possibilities of nanotechnology

Adam Brown | A Theoretical Physicist’s Take on the Future

Presenter Adam Brown, Stanford University Adam is a theoretical physicist at Stanford, interested in early universe cosmology, inflation, black holes, and assorted other topics. He arrived at gravitational physics via studying mathematics in Great Britain… Summary: In this episode of the Existential Hope podcast, renowned theoretical physicist Adam Brown shares his insights on the future… Continue reading Adam Brown | A Theoretical Physicist’s Take on the Future

Robin Hanson Existential Hope Special | On futurism and his best career advice

Presenter Robin Hanson, George Mason University Robin Dale Hanson is an associate professor of economics at George Mason University and a research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University. He is known as an expert on idea futures and markets, and he was involved in the creation of the Foresight Exchange and… Continue reading Robin Hanson Existential Hope Special | On futurism and his best career advice

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