Modeling Theory of Change

Presenter Amanda Ngo, Ought Hi there, I’m Amanda! I’m a Kiwi living in the United States. I work at Ought, a startup building tools to automate complex reasoning. Check out our forecasting product, Elicit! I love co-opting friends into social experiments, understanding how brains work, and figuring out what it means to live a good… Continue reading Modeling Theory of Change

Dean Tribble, Agoric | Blockchain Interoperability

Presenter Dean Tribble, Agoric E. Dean Tribble, Agoric CEO, designed the negotiation process and contract for the first smart contracting system, AMiX. As a Principal Architect at Microsoft, he designed the Midori distributed object-capability operating system. As founder and CTO for Agorics (acquired by Microsoft), he developed the brokerage information system for Schwab’sactive traders, the… Continue reading Dean Tribble, Agoric | Blockchain Interoperability

Digital Ghosts

Presenter Deger Turan, AI Objectives Institute Vehbi Deger Turan is the founder and CEO of Cerebra Technologies, an AI platform that identifies what resonates for your audience, and why. Cerebra has been used by governments, hedge funds, and international retailers alike, facilitating deliberation and insights into public discourse trends for over 300 million citizens. Prior… Continue reading Digital Ghosts

Deepak Maram, Cornell University | FGoAT: Proof of Location

Deepak Maram | Cornell University I am broadly interested in computer security and applied cryptography. My recent focus has largely been around decentralized identity. Some of the research highlights are below: – DECO is a privacy-preserving oracle protocol licensed from Cornell by Chainlink. CanDID is a Sybil-resitant decentralized identity system that builds on DECO to… Continue reading Deepak Maram, Cornell University | FGoAT: Proof of Location

Matjaz Leonardis, University of Oxford | How Random is Pseudorandom?

Presenter Matjaz Leonardis, University of Oxford Interested in learning and creativity. In both humans and machines. Summary: Creativity and computation – can we go beyond simple CRUD apps? Creating, Redoing, Updating, and Deleting. Most of todays apps connect you with information other people have produced, and wind up conforming to a very simple set of… Continue reading Matjaz Leonardis, University of Oxford | How Random is Pseudorandom?


Presenter Chhi’mèd Künzang, Protocol Labs Protocol labs created a new breed of zero knowledge proofs – SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) – used for computation of functions using cryptographically secured data. Building upon the previous work to create decentralized data storage via the InterPlanetary File System, they are improving SNARKs by using recursion… Continue reading ZK ML

Whyrusleeping, Protocol Labs | Better Directions for Using Information

Presenter Whyrusleeping, Protocol Labs First engineer @protocollabs , technical advisor @bluesky . IPFS, libp2p, Filecoin, Estuary. Build it ship it make it work. @aresearchgroup Summary: Let’s build an exocortex to outcompete the AGI! An exocortex is an external information processing tool to augment your own cognition. Daily planners, computers, and smart phones are crude examples… Continue reading Whyrusleeping, Protocol Labs | Better Directions for Using Information

Kate Sills, Independent | Tamper-evident logs and Unalterable Docs

Presenter Kate Sills | Independent “A bizarre mish-mash of hippie anarchism and economic liberalism beefed up with lots of technological determinism.” Software Engineer. Past: engineering lead on Agoric’s smart contract framework. Summary: On the one hand we have costly problems of fraud and malicious behavior present in the real world, and on the other we… Continue reading Kate Sills, Independent | Tamper-evident logs and Unalterable Docs

Decision Auctions

Presenter David Ernst, Secure Internet Voting Secure Internet Voting, Founder & CEO Kate Sills, Independent “A bizarre mish-mash of hippie anarchism and economic liberalism beefed up with lots of technological determinism.” Software Engineer. Past: engineering lead on Agoric’s smart contract framework. Summary: What are you trying to do? We want to build a way to… Continue reading Decision Auctions

Ying Tong Lai, Electric Coin | Intelligent Cooperation Tech Tree

Presenter Ying Tong Lai, Electric Coin Senior Engineer at Electric Coin Company Summary: The concepts and connections within the field of Intelligent Cooperation are difficult to navigate. Having a map of developmental fields related to AI, distributed computation, and cryptography helps visualize how these fields overlap and what kind of collaborative efforts are possible. Ying… Continue reading Ying Tong Lai, Electric Coin | Intelligent Cooperation Tech Tree

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