Foresight Fellow
Foresight Fellow
Our Vision Weekends are the annual festivals of Foresight Institute. Held in two countries, over two weekends, you are invited to burst your tech silos, and plan for flourishing long-term futures. Come for the ideas: join the conference, unconference, mentorship hours, curated 1-1s, demos and much more. Stay for fun with new friends: join for the satellite gatherings, cyberfuture dinners, tea services, costume closets, interactive art, secret dance parties, and surprise experiences.
Keynote speakers will be announced in the following weeks.
This year’s main conference track is dedicated to “Paths to Progress”; meaning you will hear 10+ invited presentations from Foresight’s core community highlighting paths to progress in the following areas:
Now, the choice is yours: You can either pick a path to progress highlighted by our presenters to deepdive on with them, or you can propose an entirely new path to progress in your domain of choice. After a whirlwind of breakouts, we unite again to compare paths to progress across technologies, explore what we can learn across domains, and how we might step up as a community to leverage opportunities and mitigate risks in the years to come.
Let’s spice things up: instead of holding both Vision Weekends back to back like every year, this year, the Europe edition of Vision Weekend will be held in summer at Bückeburg Palace in Germany, while the US edition of Vision Weekend will be held in the Bay Area in winter. This means you can easily join the growing pool of attendees joining both events.
At the gates of Hanover lies a mountain range, overgrown with dense forest and wide views over fields and meadows. Nestled within it, you can find Bückeburg Palace, a Renaissance castle with magnificent halls originating from a period of four centuries. Even during default times, you can feel the medieval fairy-tale spirit that must once have prevailed here, for instance in the stables of the “Fürstliche Hofreitschule”, which aims to preserve the European art of riding of past centuries, or in its gold mausoleum, largest private mausoleum in the world. At Vision Weekend 2024, this historic venue will open its gates to the Foresight community, so that a taste of history might inspire us as we plan for flourishing futures.
To join the Europe summer edition of Vision Weekend, you can sign up via this page and select across several options:
We want to hear from you: we invite all participants to propose an unconference topic, a demo, or a creative contribution in the onboarding form that is sent out post registration. You will be notified when your proposal is selected.
As a partner, you enable junior applicants to join on a reduced ticket and travel subsidy. Foresight Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation is tax-deductible in the US as permitted by law.
If you would like to become Vision Weekend Europe Partner, please contact [email protected]
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