Watch Israel in nanotech

Nano-watchers will definitely want to keep an eye on Israel. Explore the Israel NNI website for details; here are some of their assertions on why Israel is and will continue to be a player:

“Israel’s small size and limited financial resources are serious challenges, but Israel’s academic, business and government leaders recognize nanotech as a key platform for ensuring Israel’s continued R&D excellence for decades to come.

“Nanotechnology is a natural enabler for Israel. In fact, our small size is also our advantage — it means sharper focus, more efficient use of funds, fewer commercial obstacles, rapid prototyping and testing, and higher quality standards.

“Israel’s outstanding track record is just a hint of what nanotechnology will bring. Israel and nano are a strategic fit.”

And from Lux Research’s Nanotech Nations Report dated October 2005: “Israel’s technology development strength puts it in the same nanotech league as the U.S. and Taiwan.”

Israel has a special interest in nanotech for clean water. —Christine

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