White paper previews Nanotech Opportunity Report

from the Discount-for-Senior-Associates dept.
CMP Cientifica (based in Spain) and nABUCUS (based in Hong Kong), two nanotechnology-oriented consulting and investment firms, along with the U.S. public relations firm of Niehaus Ryan Wong, have teamed up to prepare the Nanotechnology Opportunities Report (NOR), which is due to be released some time early next year. They have released a free preliminary white paper that aims to "give a comprehensive introduction to the wide variety of technologies that fall under the nanotech umbrella, and to present this in a manner that gives a sense of the areas of our world, and thus the markets, that will be impacted, and when."

As with most of these ìinvestment opportunityî reports, none of the material in the NOR preview white paper is particularly new or unique. However it does provide a succinct basic explanation of the developing excitement in the field for newcomers, and has a more international viewpoint than some of the reports issued by U.S.-based firms. The paper is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (about 1.4 MB) at the website of any of the three firms:

The NOR white paper follows in the wake of a number of similar reports that were released in August and September 2001 (reported here on 3 August, 30 August, and 9 October 2001). The full Nanotechnology Opportunity Report will be available for purchase in January 2002 at a cost of US$1995.

UPDATE: Foresight Senior Associates, and attendees of this week's Ninth Foresight Conference, can get a discount of $200 on the pre-publication price of $1695 on advance orders for the NOR. This offer is good until 30 November 2001. These advance orders should be placed through Foresight, either online (secure web form), or through our office, to get the $200 discount. Contact information for the Foresight office.

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