Nanotechnology education online: more free resources

Yesterday we highlighted MIT’s work in getting their course materials online. But many other schools with courses relevant to nanotech have been working on similar goals, especially UC Berkleley.

For a useful overview of what’s out there, see Jimmy Ruska’s page on Free Education (it covers all fields, not just nanotechnology). An excerpt:

Ranked as the #1 public school in the United States, Berkeley offers podcasts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing. Each course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. For printable assignments and notes you can check the professors homepage, which is usually given in the first lecture or google his name. Even though the notes, homework and tests are not directly printed in the berkeley website, as they are in MIT and other courseware sites, it’s not a problem to find them.

A number of other good technical schools are listed, including Carnegie Mellon and Rice. Go to it! —Christine

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