Nanotechnology health uses to grow hugely

Small Times reports that nanotechnology medical applications are expected to climb immensely:

U.S. demand for nanotechnology medical products will increase over 17 percent per year to $53 billion in 2011, says The Freedonia Group, Inc., a Cleveland-based industry research firm. Afterwards, the increasing flow of new nanomedicines, nanodiagnostics, and nanotech-based medical supplies and devices into the US market will boost demand to more than $110 billion in 2016…

Freedonia says that several medical supplies and devices will emerge as key applications for nanotechnology, but that the greatest short-term impact of nanotechnology in health care will be in therapies and diagnostics for cancer and central nervous system disorders.

Here at Foresight we’re willing to go further, and predict that demand for nanotech-based medical applications will continue to grow until we’re able to repair the entire human body all the way down to the molecular level. Now that will be health! —Christine

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