Science and technology roadmaps for nanotechnology

A European Science and Technology Roadmap for Graphene, Related Two-Dimensional Crystals, and Hybrid Systems hints at the opportunities to be harvested from, and the need for, the development of atomically precise manufacturing (APM).

A Breakthrough in 3D Imaging by EM Alone

The need for improved imaging and characterization on the nanoscale was emphasized in the 2007 Roadmap and again at the 2013 Foresight Conference on Atomic Precision. We noted last year a new advancement in atomic-scale resolution of 10-nm platinum particles, requiring multiple imaging techniques in combination, and recently the marked improvement in optical imaging for… Continue reading A Breakthrough in 3D Imaging by EM Alone

Recent cases of &#39accessible&#39 high-tech: Open source chips & Origami robots

Nanotech promises more commonplace access to advanced technology as material and fabrication costs fall and traditional barriers to innovation are removed. Examples are already being seen globally: more access to laptops and cell phones in developing countries, desktop 3D printers, a surge in establishment of shared-use research facilities, etc. A couple recent cases getting attention… Continue reading Recent cases of &#39accessible&#39 high-tech: Open source chips & Origami robots

Big computation brings your ideas into 3D

What 3D printers are doing to facilitate fabrication, 3D drawing programs are surpassing to facilitate design. As described at, two systems referred to as “powerful” and “spectacular” are being highlighted at the SIGGRAPH 2014 conference in Vancouver this week: True2Form (out of University of British Columbia) brings 2D sketches into 3D (excerpt from SD… Continue reading Big computation brings your ideas into 3D

Tunable Assembly of Nanoparticles for (Photovoltaic) Devices

Photovoltaics are an interesting case where atomic precision is not necessary to achieve potentially dramatic global impacts. Even an “ok efficiency” device that is easy to manufacture with reduced environmental hazard could have significant beneficial effects on energy resources and on device fabrication processes (which could, in turn, contribute to developments toward APM). The struggle… Continue reading Tunable Assembly of Nanoparticles for (Photovoltaic) Devices

The NNI Debate of 2014

Just when it seemed like debate over the National Nanotechnology Initiative was a thing of the past (see Foresight’s disappointment in 2008 here), disagreements regarding re-authorization and budget cuts are prompting politicians and researchers to take a detailed look at what the program supports and what it is achieving. Witnesses to the House Research Subcommittee… Continue reading The NNI Debate of 2014

US government report highlights flaws in US nanotechnology effort

The concern of the US GAO for a gap in nanomanufacturing is well-placed, but it is only half of the problem with the limited US vision of the impact of nanotechnology on the future world economy.

New Report: Nano-solutions for the 21st century

A recently released technology report titled Nano-solutions for the 21st century outlines nanotech-based solutions to global challenges. Several years in the making, the report was co-authored by Dennis Pamlin, Research Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD web site currently in Chinese only), and Eric Drexler, Academic Visitor… Continue reading New Report: Nano-solutions for the 21st century

Advanced technologies by design

Design and prediction are integral to Atomically Precise Manufacturing and its development. This is in part because fully functional APM can be readily explored computationally today, to levels of precision that cannot be experimentally developed today. In such a context, design is not just a resource but an approach. With rapidly expanding computational power, examples… Continue reading Advanced technologies by design

Upcoming Book Explores Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

A new book by Frank Boehm explores the challenges, possibilities, and visions of nanomedical device and systems design.

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