Cyber, Nano, and AGI Risks: Computer Security and Effective Altruism

Foresight Institute Co-Founder and Projects Director Christine Peterson (full biography) was interviewed recently by 80000 Hours, “an independent nonprofit funded by individual donors” and founded “because we couldn’t find any sources of advice on how to do good with our own working lives. Since 2011, we’ve been on a mission to figure out how best… Continue reading Cyber, Nano, and AGI Risks: Computer Security and Effective Altruism

Atomically precise location of dopants a step toward quantum computers

Precise matching of STM images and theoretical calculations provides exact lattice locations of dopant atoms, advancing the prospects for silicon-based quantum computers.

Foresight President to speak on Artificial Intelligence

Foresight President Julia Bossmann will speak on AI at the TEDxEchoPark “Paradigm Shift” event on Saturday May 14, 2016, in Los Angeles, California.

Crowd-sourced RNA structure design uncovers new insights

Thousands of amateurs playing the online RNA folding game Eterna, backed up by a real-world automated lab testing their predictions, have provided insights to improve the algorithms computers use to design RNA molecules.

Foresight advisor MIT Prof. Marvin Minsky (1927-2016)

We are greatly saddened to hear of the death of Marvin Minsky, age 88. A pioneer in artificial intelligence, Marvin served as an Advisor to Foresight Institute from its earliest days.

Foresight co-founder on the future of the human lifespan

Optimized Geek podcast featured Christine Peterson on the future of nanotechnology, human lifespan, artificial intelligence, finding love, and other topics.

New software reveals more molecular machine structures

New software makes it possible to generate 3D structures of proteins without artificially incorporating metal atoms in the proteins, making it possible to study many molecular machines using data that could not previously be analyzed.

Recent cases of &#39accessible&#39 high-tech: Open source chips & Origami robots

Nanotech promises more commonplace access to advanced technology as material and fabrication costs fall and traditional barriers to innovation are removed. Examples are already being seen globally: more access to laptops and cell phones in developing countries, desktop 3D printers, a surge in establishment of shared-use research facilities, etc. A couple recent cases getting attention… Continue reading Recent cases of &#39accessible&#39 high-tech: Open source chips & Origami robots

TED talk: A 30-Year History of the Future

Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT media lab and the One Laptop Per Child program, gave a TED talk in March 2014 titled A 30-Year History of the Future. Click to access the talk or the TEDBlog article discussing the talk. Negroponte highlights some cutting-edge technological developments of the past that had been openly scorned… Continue reading TED talk: A 30-Year History of the Future

Will crowdsourced RNA designs advance nanotechnology?

A very large community of online gamers has consistently produced RNA designs that outperform the best design algorithms by a large margin. Can online gamers designing RNA, protein, and other molecules contribute to the development of atomically precise manufacturing?

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