Foresight co-founder on the future of the human lifespan

Optimized Geek podcast featured Christine Peterson on the future of nanotechnology, human lifespan, artificial intelligence, finding love, and other topics.

DNA nanotechnology and the atoms to micrometer nanofabrication gap

A new DARPA program seeks to bridge the gap from atoms to macroscale product manufacture in two steps, the first of which is from atoms to micrometer-scale feedstocks. DNA origami may be part of the solution.

DARPA announces new program on nanoscale assembly and integration

Register by Sept. 5 to attend a Proposers Day webinar on either Sept. 9 or 11 to learn the technical objectives of DARPA’s new “Atoms to product: Aiming to make nanoscale benefits life-sized” program.

Next Foresight Conference on Nanotechnology in February 2014

The Conference to be held February 7-9, 2014 in Palo Alto, California will emphasize the integration of nano-engineered devices and materials into larger, more complex systems.

Nanotechnology revolution: An interview with Eric Drexler

In anticipation of Eric Drexlerā€™s new book, Forbes contributor Bruce Dorminey interviews him about the meaning of nanotechnology and its revolutionary prospects. Selected excerpt: ā€¦ In what fields would APM cause the most pronounced economic disruption and the collapse of global supply chains to more local chains? The digital revolution had far-reaching effects on information… Continue reading Nanotechnology revolution: An interview with Eric Drexler

Christine Peterson on pushing the future in a positive direction

In a 47-minute interview Christine Peterson discusses the future that science and technology is bringing over the next few decades, and how to get involved to push the future in a positive direction.

Christine Peterson interviewed on nanotechnology

An interview with Foresight Co-Founder and Past President Christine Peterson covering both the current state and the future prospects of nanotechnology is available on Youtube.

New Darpa program may accelerate synthetic biology path to advanced nanotechnology

Darpa has launched a “Living Foundries” program to bring an engineering perspective to synthetic biology to greatly accelerate progress through standardization and modularization.

Darpa seeks nanotechnology defense against novel pathogens

To counter the threat of evolved or engineered resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics, Darpa proposes to use nanotechnology to develop “Rapidly Adaptable Nanotherapeutics”.

Intensive one-day course on nanomaterials for aerospace and defense

The CANEUS International Organization on “Micro-Nano Technologies for Aerospace Applications” will hold an intensive one-day course “Nanomaterials for Aerospace and Defense: Applications, Issues, Trends and Practices”

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