2015 Feynman Prize winner named 2018 Australian of the Year

It is always a pleasure when those whose work toward Feynman’s goal for nanotechnology—molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems—whom we have recognized with a Foresight Institute Feynman Prize are subsequently also recognized by the wider community for the importance of their contributions. For example, Sir… Continue reading 2015 Feynman Prize winner named 2018 Australian of the Year

Design of hyperstable constrained peptides

Protein design has been one of the major paths from current fabrication technology toward the goal of general purpose, high-throughput atomically precise manufacturing since Foresight co-founder Eric Drexler proposed it in 1981. It also produced some of the earliest promising results. Although de novo protein design was at first slow, progress has accelerated since David… Continue reading Design of hyperstable constrained peptides

Building atom-by-atom on insulator at room temperature

If the above picture reminds you of something like it some 27 years ago when physicists announced a nanostructure built atom-by-atom, then it is important to recognize there are multiple crucial differences between the above 2014 image of a Swiss cross formed from 20 precisely placed bromine atoms and the 1990 image of the IBM… Continue reading Building atom-by-atom on insulator at room temperature

Prototype quantum computer gives small molecule quantum simulation

We have pointed to examples of how atomically precise nanotechnology might open the road to developing quantum computers (Atomically precise location of dopants a step toward quantum computers, August 4th, 2016; Architecture for atomically precise quantum computer in silicon, November 9th, 2015; A nanotechnology route to quantum computers through hybrid rotaxanes, March 27th, 2009). The… Continue reading Prototype quantum computer gives small molecule quantum simulation

Precisely removing individual atoms with microscope creates novel molecule

A molecule with two unpaired electrons too unstable to be made by chemical synthesis was fabricated using a scanning probe microscope to remove two hydrogen atoms from a single molecule adsorbed to a copper surface at ultra low temperature and ultra high vacuum.

From de novo protein design to molecular machine systems

A review from the group leading recent rapid progress in de novo protein design describes the successes, identifies the remaining challenges, and heralds the advance “from the Stone Age to the Iron Age” in protein design.

Two-component, 120-subunit icosahedral cage extends protein nanotechnology

Ten designs spanning three types of icosahedral architectures produce atomically precise multi-megadalton protein cages to deliver biological cargo or serve as scaffolds for organizing various molecular functions.

Cleanly placing atomically precise graphene nanoribbons

Atomically precise chevron-shaped graphene nanoribbons were purified after solution synthesis, cleanly placed by dry contact transfer on a hydrogen-passivated Si surface, imaged and manipulated by scanning tunneling microscopy, and covalently bonded to depassivated surface positions.

Designing novel protein backbones through digital evolution

Computational recombination of small elements of structure from known protein structures generates a vast library of designs that balance protein stability with the potential for new functions and novel interactions.

Assembling a large, stable, icosahedral protein molecular cage

A trimeric protein was designed to self assemble into a 60 unit icosahedron with a roomy interior that might find use to ferry molecular cargo into cells or as a chemical reactor.

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