2015 Feynman Prize winner named 2018 Australian of the Year

It is always a pleasure when those whose work toward Feynman’s goal for nanotechnology—molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems—whom we have recognized with a Foresight Institute Feynman Prize are subsequently also recognized by the wider community for the importance of their contributions. For example, Sir… Continue reading 2015 Feynman Prize winner named 2018 Australian of the Year

Changing the world with a nanofabricator that could make anything

The Foresight Institute was founded in 1986 on a vision presented by Eric Drexler in which the ultimate manufacturing technology uses a machine termed a nanofactory or nanofabricator to provide atom-by-atom control of the manufacturing process for complex objects, both large and small. Although initially controversial, this vision has been increasingly accepted over the past… Continue reading Changing the world with a nanofabricator that could make anything

Blockchains, Cryptoeconomics, and Emerging Technology Risks

In writing for this blog, I am accustomed to rapid changes from one technological area to another, such as from DNA origami to de novo protein design to scanning probe microscopy to molecular machinery based on mechanically interlocked molecular architectures. The DNA and protein work overlaps with biotechnology, and we have always seen all these… Continue reading Blockchains, Cryptoeconomics, and Emerging Technology Risks

New Funding Opportunity from U.S. DOE

A new funding opportunity from the Advanced Manufacturing Office, U.S. Department of Energy, incudes a subtopic on Atomically Precise Manufacturing

DOE office focusing on atomically precise manufacturing

Longtime Foresight member Dave Forrest is leading DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office in advocating atomically precise manufacturing to transform the U.S. manufacturing base.

Roles of materials research and polymer chemistry in developing nanotechnology

Polymer chemistry and materials research provide opportunities to explore structures that harmonize phenomena unique to nanoscale technology, the role of mechanical forces generated at interfaces, and the responses of biological systems to mechanical stresses.

Foresight co-founder on the future of the human lifespan

Optimized Geek podcast featured Christine Peterson on the future of nanotechnology, human lifespan, artificial intelligence, finding love, and other topics.

US OSTP seeking suggestions for Nanotechnology Grand Challenges

A US government Request for Information (RFI) is seeking suggestions for Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenges for the Next Decade. The manufacture of atomically-precise materials is offered as #4 of 6 examples.

Atomically precise manufacturing as the future of nanotechnology

A commentary over at Gizmodo argues that ideas about molecular manufacturing that sounded like science fiction in 1986 now sound more like science fact.

Are nanorobots and atomically precise manufacturing becoming mainstream nanotechnology?

The idea that nanorobots fabricated by atomically precise manufacturing processes are a likely part of our future, and that this is a good thing, is appearing more frequently, largely as a result of Drexler’s recent book Radical Abundance.

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