Nanotechnology makes possible boat 40% stronger and 75% lighter than metal boats

Zyvex Technologies announced that its 54-foot boat named Piranha completed a rough-weather sea test near Puget Sound in the Pacific Ocean, demonstrating record fuel efficiency.

Nanotechnology-enabled quantum computing may fuel a security race

Senior Associate Alvin Steinberg suggests that we portray the nanotech race as in part a security race involving quantum computing.

Protein nanostructures stiffer than Kevlar

Self assembly of aromatic dipeptide into nanospheres stiffer than Kevlar may make possible printing stronger, lighter body armor.

Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council

The U.S. President’s Council on Advisors on Science and Technology requested public input on a number of manufacturing topics including “molecular-level, atomically precise production.ā€ Foresight joined with our sister organization IMM to produce aĀ statement on Atomically Precise Manufacturing, now posted on the OpenPCAST site, with public voting and commenting still continuing, so join in the… Continue reading Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council

Reynolds advocates faster nano/AI R&D for safety reasons

In Popular Mechanics, longtime Foresight friend Prof. Glenn Reynolds looks at the future of nanotech and artificial intelligence, among other things looking at safety issues, including one call that potentially dangerous technologies be relinquished. Ā He takes a counterintuitive stance, which we’ve discussed here at Foresight over the years: But I wonder if thatā€™s such a… Continue reading Reynolds advocates faster nano/AI R&D for safety reasons

Nanotechnology for chemical and biological defense: the book

Here at Foresight our main focus is on longer-term technologies such as molecular manufacturing, but we keep an eye on what’s arriving along the nearer-term pathways as well. Ā In 2007 I attended a workshop on “Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense” and the proceedings volume of that meeting, with the same name, is now available.… Continue reading Nanotechnology for chemical and biological defense: the book

Proposal for Arabs to address molecular manufacturing

From The Gulf Times via Nanowerk: The proposal for establishing an Arab Council on Nanotechnology (ACON) was presented by Al-Quds Universityā€™s Mukhles Sowwan while discussing about ā€˜Nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing: Towards balanced plans for responsible worldwide use.ā€™ ā€œThe mission of ACON should be to raise awareness of the benefits and dangers of molecular nanotechnology, and… Continue reading Proposal for Arabs to address molecular manufacturing

The world is flat

In this post I began considering the prognostications in George Friedman’s The Next 100 Years, in light of some of the kinds of changes in technology that might come online during the century. This is obviously hard to do, but imagine trying to predict the geopolitical course of the 20th century without understanding the possibility… Continue reading The world is flat

Public approval for using nanotechnology for human enhancement limited to improving health

Recently announced results of a US national survey on nanotech applications for “human enhancement” show widespread public support for enhancements seen as promising an improvement in human health, but little support for other uses.

US and European approaches to advanced nanotechnology implications compared

Government-sponsored discussions of the implications for society of advanced nanotechnology and other emerging technologies have taken place and are ongoing in both the US and Europe. A recent Nanowerk Spotlight written by Michael Berger gives an update of deliberations in Europe and compares and contrasts the US and European approaches. From “Europe and the U.S.… Continue reading US and European approaches to advanced nanotechnology implications compared

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