Nanotech Communication Prize deadline July 31

To promote responsible coverage and assist society in making informed decisions about advanced nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing, Foresight Institute has established a communication prize. The nomination deadline for the 2004 Foresight Institute Prize in Communication is July 31.

Feynman Prize 2004 Nominations due June 30

The deadline to nominate a colleague to be considered for the prestigious Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology is Wednesday, June 30, 2004. Established in honor of Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, two prizes, one for theory and one for experimental work, will be awarded. These prizes recognize researchers whose recent work have most advanced the achievement of Feynman's vision for nanotechnology: molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems.

Venezuelan natural nano resource

HLovy writes "Proud papa Luis Mavilla writes that his 13-year-old son, Peter Alexander Mavilla, has caught a bad case of the nanobug. When the Venezuelan youth decided that nanotechnology was just so cool that he had to learn more, the first thing he did was register as a free online member of that notorious purveyor of childhood nanofear, the Foresight Institute."

Comprehensive website for nanotechnology careers

Foresight Institute and Working In Ltd., an employment and education web company, launched a comprehensive resource website,, on March 19, 2004. This site is designed to meet the increasing demand for career, education and training information in the emerging field of nanotechnology.

Open letter to NanoBusiness Alliance affiliates

Nanotechnology Delusion: many nanotechnology advocates are upset about NanoBusiness Alliance Executive Director Mark Modzelewski's comments on MNT and Foresight director Prof. Glenn Reynolds (see More intemperate words from Mark Modzelewski).

Foresight Vision Weekend – Register by February 15th and save $200

Foresight Vision Weekend
Putting Feynman's Vision into Action

–Senior Associates Gathering–

May 15-16, 2004 in Palo Alto, California
Welcome Reception: May 14 at 7 pm
Optional Full-Day Tutorial: May 14

Best of 2003 Awards from Nanotechnology Now

Nanotechnology Now announces the Best of 2003 Awards. The "Best of the Best and Best Advocate" awards went to the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (see following post), "for their efforts to help insure the safe use of nanotechnology-enabled products."

Carbon Nanotubes Grown on Plastic

JohnFaith writes "Technology Research News reports that Researchers from the University of Cambridge have grown nanotubes on plastic substrate. From the pictures in the article, the structures look more like tall thin cones, but maybe the tips are single tubes?"

2003 Advocate of the Year: Steve Jurvetson

Foresight Senior Associate Steve Jurvetson, a leading nanotech venture capitalist and frequent speaker at Foresight events, has been named Small Times Magazine 2003 Advocate of the Year. "…he is nevertheless one of a small group of VCs happy to associate with the sector's most far-thinking members. He is hardly averse to being quoted speaking of nanobots floating in human bloodstreams and other scenarios considered way too long-term for VC involvement." Steve's suggestion for the NNI Grand Challenge? "Whether conceptualized as a universal assembler, a nanoforge, or a matter compiler, I think the `moon-shotí goal for 2025 should be the realization of the digital control of matter, and all of the ancillary industries, capabilities, and learning that would engender." We at Foresight like Steve even more than Small Times does.

Foresight Institute Awards Feynman Prizes

Nanotechnology researchers, journalists and a student were honored at the 11th Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, Oct. 9-12, 2003. The Feynman Prize awards were covered by Small Times and Nanotechnology Now. A UCLA press release announced that Carlo Montemagno, UCLA professor and chair of bioengineering, received the Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (Experimental).

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