Flipping a pair of atoms back and forth using nanotechnology

Upon exposure to electrons from an STM tip, pairs of platinum atoms on a germanium surface can be made to pivot on one atom, swinging back and forth like a flipper on a pinball machine.

Scientists draw lessons for nanotechnology from wide range of biological machinery

A recent review article delineates engineering principles that may prove valuable for engineering complex nanosystems that can be discerned from the molecular mechanisms by which such biological molecular motors operate and are controlled.

Detecting motion in simple nanotech machines

Japanese researchers have succeeded in visualizing the motion of a molecular rotor.

Tethered molecular switches as step toward actuators for nanotechnology

Exposure to two different wavelengths of light can cause the azobenzene molecule to switch back and forth between two different shapes. This molecular shape-changing works well in solution but until now has not worked with molecules attached to surfaces. Now scientists from Penn State University and Rice University have found a way to make the… Continue reading Tethered molecular switches as step toward actuators for nanotechnology

A molecule printer for nanotechnology based on spinning carbon nanotubes

Atoms or molecules could be pumped through the spinning inner CNT to form patterns of atoms or molecules—a nanotech inkjet printer.

Light-controlled nanotech brake for molecular machine

Taiwanese researchers have constructed a molecule in which exposure to light causes causes the molecule to change shape so that rotation of one part of the molecule with respect to another part can no longer occur.

Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

It’s great to see ambitious goals being set in nanotechnology, like these “molecular mini-factories“. Researchers from a wide range of disciplines at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will be joining forces in the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS). They will be investigating the exact mechanism behind self-organization, the principle behind all life on earth.… Continue reading Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Snowbird, Utah is the place to be for nanotechnologists on April 22-25 for the 5th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO08): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices. Those of you who have attended Foresight research conferences will recognize a number of familiar names and lots of new ones. Mark Sims of Nanorex tells us that they… Continue reading Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Nanotechnology device releases anticancer drugs inside cancer cells

Several types of human cancer cells were shown to take up the nanotech devices and were then killed when exposure to light released the drug from the nanoparticle into the surrounding cell.

Nanotechnology uses molecular motor to reveal presence of single DNA molecule

Nanotechnology may enable faster and more sensitive detection of disease by using a molecular motor to spin a gold nanorod in the presence of the right DNA molecule.

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