Another way to manipulate individual DNA molecules

Individual DNA molecules can also be manipulated by optical tweezers and microfabricated structures.

Atomically precise nanotechnology leading to new catalysts

The emerging ability to control the sizes of these clusters to atomic precision affords new opportunities for designing novel catalysts.

Nanotechnology therapies for cancer progress, block metastasis

In experiments in mice, chemotherapy drugs encapsulated in nanoparticles targeted to the blood vessels that supply nutrients to tumor cells prevented the usually fatal spread of the cancer to additional sites.

Nanotechnology may allow hip implants to sense growth of new bone

The nanotech-prepared titanium surface serves as a sensor to detect bone formation.

Artificial DNA base pairs for nanotechnology building blocks

An ‘artificial DNA’ in which the two natural DNA base pairs have been replaced by two non-natural base pairs may provide useful new nanotech building blocks.

Nanotechnology may decrease energy costs for desalination

Scientists have continued progress toward the goal of nanotech membranes for water purification that will greatly decrease the energy cost for desalination.

Nanotechnology mimics virus sizes and shapes for more efficient gene therapy

A nanotech replacement for virus vectors offers a safer way to introduce DNA into cells for gene therapy.

Sorting electron spins by nanotechnology

A discovery of unexpected properties of an insulating layer only a few atoms thick may lead to a new nanotech approach to faster computers.

Formulating an anticancer drug using nanotechnology eliminates toxic neurological side-effects

A nanotech formulation may have saved one of the most promising broad-spectrum antiangiogenesis cancer therapies from being side-tracked due to neurotoxic side effects.

Bottom-up nanotechnology with metals and polymers

A novel nanotech procedure produces metal nanostructures containing uniform hexagonal pores about 10 nm across that could supply new catalysts, faster metal wires for microchips, and better optical materials.

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