Team of 15 companies and NGOs call for nanosafety funding

A group of 15 companies and non-profit organizations today sent a letter to each member of the U.S. Senate and House Appropriations Committees, calling for an increase in federal nanosafety funding. While the National Nanotechnology Initiative legislation has included funding for creating new nanotechnologies, and for studying their societal impact, it did not mandate a… Continue reading Team of 15 companies and NGOs call for nanosafety funding

Live webcast on Green Nano this Thursday

Check out the Wilson Center website this Thursday, February 16, at 2-3 PM Eastern time for the first event of the Green Nano series, sponsored by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies: “The GreenNano series aims to advance development of clean technologies using nanotechnology, to minimize the environmental and human health risks associated with the manufacture… Continue reading Live webcast on Green Nano this Thursday

Nanobio governance: exploring models for oversight

The report from the September 2005 workshop on The Nanotechnology-Biology Interface: Exploring Models for Oversight has been issued today by the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. In addition to the usual nanoparticle safety discussions, the report touches on bigger issues. From the press release: “The report also calls for more conversation about nanotechnology… Continue reading Nanobio governance: exploring models for oversight

Intro to biological nanotechnology

For a fun-and-easy introduction to biological nanotechnology, check out the Gulf of Maine Research Institute’s site on the topic. It includes coverage of some of the controversies. The site is a heavy user of Flash — those on dial-up connections may find it too slow. (Credit: Alan Lishness, the Institute’s Director of Innovation) —Christine

New Reynolds' book covers nanotech & power

Foresight director Glenn Reynolds has a new book coming out March 7 which you can order on Amazon now: An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths. Chapter 9, “Empowering the Really Little Guys”, is on nanotechnology. Some excerpts [emphasis added]: “All sorts… Continue reading New Reynolds' book covers nanotech & power

NanoChina: Free associate membership

NanoChina is a new website and service provided by the UK-based Institute of Nanotechnology. If you’re interested in tracking nano in China — and what Nanodot reader isn’t? — you can sign up for their free associate membership and get their e-newsletter at no charge. (Not to be confused with Also useful is the… Continue reading NanoChina: Free associate membership

Growing conflict over nanotech intellectual property

An article in InformationWeek, while focused primarily on information technology, has lessons for nanotech as well (emphasis added): “U.S. universities need to recognize they’re in a global showdown for research dollars. But sometimes they’re their own worst enemies in landing such funding. The culprit: The conflict over who gets the right to collect royalties on… Continue reading Growing conflict over nanotech intellectual property

If you're serious about learning nanochemistry…

The term nanochemistry has always seemed a bit confusing to me. Since a typical atomic diameter is a third of a nanometer, wouldn’t most chemistry be nanoscale? I am not the only one confused: the current top entry on Google for nanochemistry is for chemistry taking place in very small volumes. Be that as it… Continue reading If you're serious about learning nanochemistry…

Google considers nanotech involvement

From the San Jose Mercury News, a story on NASA/Google collaboration: “The Mountain View-based Internet giant is expanding its plans for potential collaborations with NASA scientists at Moffett Field to include research on everything from private commercial rocket launches to search engines in the classroom to nanotechnology in orbit… ” ‘Everyone got so excited with… Continue reading Google considers nanotech involvement

U.S. President calls for doubling of nanotech funding

In his State of the Union address, President Bush called for nanotech U.S. federal funding to be doubled. From “First, I propose to double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years. This funding will support the work of America’s most creative minds… Continue reading U.S. President calls for doubling of nanotech funding

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