Interview with bionanotechnologist Viola Vogel

Earth & Sky’s David Portree conducts an interview of bionanotechnologist Viola Vogel of the University of Washington’s Center for Nanotechnology: “Engineers who learn how to work at the nanoscale start getting a different view of the principles that Nature evolved. Nature never microfabricated anything, but all organisms, humans included, are assembled from the bottom up… Continue reading Interview with bionanotechnologist Viola Vogel

Intro to productive nanosystems

As we enter 2006 our thoughts turn to the future: what can we expect from nanotechnology as it reaches its full potential? For a quick introduction, check out Productive nanosystems: the physics of molecular fabrication (pdf, 0.6 MB) by K. Eric Drexler, published in Physics Education. It gets quite technical, but even the less technical… Continue reading Intro to productive nanosystems

Deadline Saturday for 2005 deductions to support nanotech

To get a U.S. tax deduction in 2005, visit this page, see how Foresight is doing on our $40,000 Challenge Grant, and give by midnight this Saturday. If taking a 2005 deduction isn’t useful or possible for you, give any time through January 31, 2006, to take advantage of the dollar-for-dollar matching. Thanks for your… Continue reading Deadline Saturday for 2005 deductions to support nanotech

Nanotech included in semiconductor industry roadmap

Robert Bradbury brings to our attention an article by John Markoff in The New York Times on the inclusion of nanotech into the semiconductor industry’s roadmap: “Nanotechnology is officially on the road map. A handful of futuristic chip-making technologies at the atomic scale have been added to an industry planning effort that charts the future… Continue reading Nanotech included in semiconductor industry roadmap

Free demo: Molecular design courseware

Many Nanodot readers would like to move their careers in the direction of molecular modeling and design, with the longer term goal of designing molecular nanosystems. But many cannot take time out to go back to school full time. What to do? Consider Molecular Conceptor: multimedia courseware claimed to be the equivalent of 70 hours… Continue reading Free demo: Molecular design courseware

Investor advisors defend nanotech against FUD

Carl Wherrett and John Yelovich over at The Motley Fool investor website take on the purveyors of FUD (a derogatory term implying the unreasonable or excessive promotion of fear, uncertainty, and doubt) on nanotechnology: “We are not advocating simply ignoring basic health and safety concerns as they may relate to nanotech, but we strongly urge… Continue reading Investor advisors defend nanotech against FUD

Deadline January 31 for comments to external review panel for EPA Nanotechnology White Paper

John Bartlett of U.S. EPA has let us know how and when to submit public comments on the recent EPA Nanotechnology White Paper draft: “EPA states in the notice that all comments received by January 31, 2006, will be shared with the external peer review panel that is being convened to review the White Paper.… Continue reading Deadline January 31 for comments to external review panel for EPA Nanotechnology White Paper

Nanotech to be used extensively at North Pole

Multiple press releases received from the North Pole describe current and planned uses of nanotech: (1) A new sleigh made using carbon nanotubes is expected to complete tonight’s rounds in half the time normally required, due to the higher speeds made possible by this strong material, (2) Santa Claus will be wearing a suit made… Continue reading Nanotech to be used extensively at North Pole

DuPont gets investor kudos for nanotech responsibility

The Motley Fool’s Jack Uldrich on DuPont: “Essentially, DuPont is publicly acknowledging that there are possible risks in nanoscale material and nanoparticles; and it’s actively working to identify and — if feasible — minimize or eliminate those risks as quickly and efficiently as possible… “DuPont’s stance is a refreshing change from your typical corporate position,… Continue reading DuPont gets investor kudos for nanotech responsibility

Double your nanotech impact up to $40,000

It’s pledge time here at Foresight Nanotech Institute. Donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $40,000. Give now to support the organization developing the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems (and sponsoring this blog!). For a higher payoff to you personally from your donation, consider joining as a Participating Member. Member benefits are listed here. For… Continue reading Double your nanotech impact up to $40,000

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