Storing Three Bits Into One Memory Cell

Roland Piquepaille writes "Increasing storage density by packing more than 0 or 1 in a single memory cell is an appealing idea. Now, "researchers from the University of Southern California and NASA have built a prototype molecular memory device that stores three bits in the same spot." Each memory cell is a field-effect transistor (FET) made from a 10-nanometer-diameter indium oxide wire. By applying current to a gate electrode, the nanowire can have eight discrete levels of electrical conductance, therefore representing the eight combinations of 3 bits. The prototype can retain data for 600 hours and provides a data density of 40 gigabits per square centimeter. The researchers think they can reach a density of 400 gigabits per square centimeter within 5 to 10 years. More details and references are available in this overview. [Note: Nanodot described another approach to molecular memory last March.]"

NIH Nanomedicine Roadmap

RobertBradbury writes "Well on Monday I flew across the country to attend the NIH Nanomedicine Roadmap Initiative Project Launch Meeting. It drew quite a crowd — 400+ scientists from all over the country. The goal — to develop 4+ multi-disciplinary nano-bio-tech research centers funded at the level of ~$1.5M each for perhaps 5+ years."

A DNA Walking Robot

Roland Piquepaille writes "Two chemists from New York University, William B. Sherman and Nadrian C. Seeman, have created a DNA nanowalker with two legs, each one being 10-nanometers long. This nanoscale bipedal robot moves from one pair of anchors — strands of DNA — to another one. This is a major breakthrough for nanoscale manufacturing. And New Scientist says this opens the way for future nanoscopic robots that will assemble other nanomachines or manipulate individual molecules. Obviously, this is still at the experimental stage. Even the researchers don't say when such nanowalkers will be able to do some real work. More details are available in this overview."

Lessons from Japan's Atom Technology Project

Christine Peterson writes to point to an interview of Kazunobu Tanaka, Board trustee, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), with suggestions for developing nanotechnology as a key industry in Japan: "'Dr. Tanaka says nanotechnology in Japan will not make any progress unless project leaders and researchers with a wide outlook are brought up. He adds that the master plan for developing nanotechnology in Japan should be discussed from the mid- and long-term viewpoint by young researchers with strong physical and intellectual ability.' Sounds right to us, for other countries too."

DNA nanocomputer, possible cancer treatment

With the latest in DNA nanotechnology, WillWare writes "Several news sources recently described work by Ehud Shapiro at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He and his team "have built a tiny biological computer that might be able to diagnose and treat certain types of cancer. The device, which only works in a test-tube, is years from clinical application… it can detect the abnormal messenger RNAs produced by genes involved in certain types of lung and prostate cancer… When the computer senses one of these RNAs it releases an anticancer drug, also made of DNA, which damps expression of the tumour-related gene." Shapiro has posted the PDF of his article in Nature which illustrates that detection of the abnormal RNA is a multi-step process, and that there is some real computation involved. It makes very interesting reading."

Nanomedicine, Vol. IIA: Biocompatibility available online

The second volume in the Nanomedicine book series by Robert A. Freitas Jr., Nanomedicine, Vol. IIA: Biocompatibility, is now freely available online in its entirety at First published in hardcover by Landes Bioscience in 2003, this comprehensive technical book describes the many possible mechanical, physiological, immunological, cytological, and biochemical responses of the human body to the in vivo introduction of medical nanodevices, especially medical nanorobots.

More Nano Weapons to Fight Cancer

Roland Piquepaille writes "In this article, the MIT Technology Review says that different new nanotools will help us to diagnose or kill cancerous tumors. 'Nanoshells' invented at Rice University could become an alternative to chemotherapy by killing only cancerous cells after injection into patients' bloodstream. And nanoparticles created at the University of Washington in Seattle could be used to noninvasively diagnose and treat brain tumors. Meanwhile, a biochemist from Brigham Young University has developed "a method for examining mutations in DNA to determine a person?s genetic predisposition for developing cancer." This overview contains more details and a diagram showing how nanoshells are conjugated with antibodies to kill cancerous cells. [Note: Previous results about nanoshells were reported here by Nanodot in February.]"

Call For Abstracts — Due May 1

1st Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology: Research, Applications, and Policy, October 21-24, 2004, Crystal City Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC area. Includes, as Day One: 1st Symposium on Molecular Machine Systems

Recent Advances in the Nanotechnology World

Roland Piquepaille writes "What a flurry of activity in the nanotechnology world these days. Sandia researchers have unveiled a self-assembly process forming durable nanocrystal arrays, paving the way for laser light, catalysts and new memory storage. The American Chemical Society says that scientists have developed nanotube transistors operating at extremely fast microwave frequencies (2.6 GHz) that could lead to better cell phones and faster computers. At Lehigh University, researchers have found that 'nanogold' does not glitter, but its future looks bright as it turns into a semiconductor. Meanwhile, researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a nanobiosensor technology that gives new access to living cell's molecular processes. You'll find short excerpts of these stories in this news roundup, which also includes images of the nanoprobe from ORNL and of the self-assembled, well-shaped gold nanocrystal arrays from SNL."

Nanoparticles used to destroy tumors (in mice)

Triton's nanotechnology designed to take on tumors; Last month the Boston Business Journal reported that Triton BioSystems Inc. was attempting to raise additional financing to adapt to cancer treatment its military welding technology, in which a magnetic device is used to heat nanoparticles, thus welding together polymers to effect battlefield repairs. In the cancer treatment system, so far only tested in mice, the metallic nanoparticles would be coated with a monoclonal antibody so that they localize in a tumor, and then the magnetic device would be used to heat the nanoparticles, thus destroying the tumor without using radiation or harsh chemicals.

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