Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermodynamics

from the up-next:-gravity-declared-unfair-to-elderly dept.
"America's Finest News Source" has the story: "TOPEKA, KS–The second law of thermodynamics, a fundamental scientific principle stating that entropy increases over time as organized forms decay into greater states of randomness, has come under fire from conservative Christian groups, who are demanding that the law be repealed." Note: This is not a real news story…yet.

US military funding nanotech & implant research

from the implanted-nano-survelliance-for-combat-readiness dept.
William Morgan reminds us of the Defense University Research Initiative on Nanotechnology (covered here previously) and adds: "Topic #16…on this related page may be a mind-opener for some too!" CP: the whole list at that second URL is interesting; see also items 8, 12, 13, 18, 35, 36.

Ultimate computer noodling

from the we'll-settle-for-nanocomputers dept.
brian writes "Nice article in New Scientist that serves to establish both a physical upper limit to computing and a timeline. Kinda 'de rigueur' for Foresight but I find this kind of article useful for explaining singularity-like concepts to people. I.e. getting people to realize that one day (rsn) a 1 Ghz Pentium will seem as useless as my old 1 Mhz Apple ][+ seems today:

So here is where Moore's law must end, with a billion-degree laptop or an exploding submicroscopic black hole. "The truth is we have no notion of how to attain these ultimate limits," admits Lloyd. But don't despair–put your faith in human ingenuity. If the rate of progress doesn't slow, we'll reach these ultimate physical limits in just two hundred years' time.

Originally from Slashdot; see ensuing discussion if you like."

"Say Ah!" article now online

from the hurry-up-we're-aging-fast dept.
Senior Associate RFreitas writes "If anyone would like to read my recent nontechnical nanomedicine article "Say Ah!", published in the July/August 2000 issue of The Sciences, it is now online." An excerpt: "The goals of nanorobotics may seem overblown, even wacky, to people today. But consider that, as recently as 1874, the British surgeon Sir John Eric Erichsen predicted that 'the abdomen, the chest, and the brain will be forever shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon.'…The hope and the dream is that, sometime in the not-too-distant future, [miniature medical] devices will be able to eliminate virtually all the common diseases of the twentieth century, and virtually all bodily pain and suffering as well."

In-depth analysis of "rift" over nanotech goals

from the required-reading dept.
UIUC mechanical engineering student Jon Horek has produced an excellent study for the IEEE titled A Critical Analysis of National Nanotechnology Research Funding (in pdf). It accurately describes, in some detail, the "rift" between researchers who advocate molecular manufacturing (MM) and those who do not. Horek concludes that the U.S. gov't working group on nanotechnology should increase dialogue with the MM research community. An astute analysis, long overdue.

Ask Nanodot: Open Sourcing Nanotechnology

from the safety-through-openness dept.
Senior Associate BryanBruns writes "I've posted a working draft of a paper on "Open Sourcing Nanotechnology" that I'm preparing for a poster presentation at the November MNT Conference. I've found a lot of interesting stuff, which I try to lay out in the paper, but have some questions where I'd like to ask what ideas and suggestions others may have…[see "Read More" for the specific questions and an abstract]…I'm coming at this as a sociologist, with some background in economics and computers, but not an expert in nanoscience. I'd welcome comments, either directly to me ([email protected]), or here on Nanodot if you think they would be of general interest. The NanoCAD mailing list offers a continuing forum for discussion of molecular modeling software." Read more for the full post.

Deadline for Foresight Gathering: TODAY, Sept 1

from the be-there-or-be-confused dept.
Save $100 by registering for the Sept 8-10 Foresight Senior Associate Gathering by TODAY, Friday, Sept 1. See the speaker list and program. Topics include nanotech, encrypted money, machine intelligence, healing the environment, the "art of honesty", and reforming our bizarre intellectual property system. If you miss this one, it could be spring 2001 before you get another chance. Please join us.

Antioxidant therapy greatly extends nematode lifespans

from the eat-right,-live-well-(and-long) dept.

Two press releases on joint research by the Buck Center for Research in Aging and Emory University describe "using drugs that help eliminate oxygen radicals — the toxic byproducts of metabolism — scientists have extended the normal lifespan of the nematode worm C. elegans by approximately 50 percent. In addition, the scientists restored a normal lifespan to mutant worms that had a mitochondrial defect causing increased oxygen radical production and rapid aging."

The drugs used in the study were actually modified versions of naturally-occurring antioxidant enzymes. The findings were reported in the 1 September 2000 issue of the jouranl Science.

More on Robotics and Alife available

from the My-they-move-fast,-don't-they? dept.

The full text of a number of papers on evolutionary robotics design, artificial life (Alife), and swarm programming are available either online or as Acrobat PDF files as the "Feature of the Week" for the 31 August 2000 issue, on the website of the journal Nature.

Items of recent interest include:

Note: It is unclear how long Nature provides full access to articles in its "Feature of the Week" series; some past features several weeks old are still available, but others are not. Visit this site soon if you'd like to access or download these papers.

Israel upholds copyright on Dead Sea Scrolls

from the it'll-be-the-Declaration-of-Independence-next dept.
From the SJ Mercury wire services: "Israel's Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that an Isreali scholar had a copyright on his recontruction of an important Dead Sea Scroll…". The messed-up "intellectual property" system will be debated at the Sept 8-10 Foresight Senior Associate Gathering in Palo Alto; join us.

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