The 2-millimeter dash

The 2-millimeter dash was a nanobot race held as part of the 2009 RoboCup Nanosoccer Demonstration Competition.  That was July; typically entry time, as for Robocup 2010 in Singapore, would be year end, but I can’t see any announcement for it on their page.  Does anyone know any more details?

High-speed AFM meets the Holographic Assembler

Here’s a talk happening next Tuesday at UCLA: NanoSystems Seminar Series Title: High-speed AFM meets the Holographic Assembler Mervyn Miles Physics Bristol University Abstract: High-speed AFM is important for following processes occurring on short time scales inaccessible to conventional AFM. We are working on two versions: one is capable of extremely high imaging rates and… Continue reading High-speed AFM meets the Holographic Assembler

Interview of Artificial General Intelligence Researcher Itamar Arel by Sander Olson

Interview of Artificial General Intelligence Researcher Itamar Arel by Sander Olson. on Next Big Future This is particularly apropos, since as I write I’m heading off to the AGI Roadmap meeting which Itamar has organized (and of which Foresight is a sponsor).

Dr. Doom has some good news: nanotechnology

From The Atlantic: Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who accurately forecast the bursting of the housing bubble and the resulting economic contraction, has become famous for his pessimism—he has been the gloomiest of the doomsayers… “The question is, can the U.S. grow in a non-bubble way?” [Roubini] asked the question rhetorically, so I… Continue reading Dr. Doom has some good news: nanotechnology

Nanoparticle Breakthrough Can Make Higher Efficiency Solar Cells and Speed Development of Nanotechnology

Nanoparticle Breakthrough Can Make Higher Efficiency Solar Cells and Speed Development of Nanotechnology. Brian Wang at Next Big Future has the story of a classic case of serendipity in research. The yellow is what the sun puts out that hits the top of the atmosphere (what a solar power satellite would see, for example).  The… Continue reading Nanoparticle Breakthrough Can Make Higher Efficiency Solar Cells and Speed Development of Nanotechnology

Server Sky: solar powered server and communications arrays in orbit

Special thanks to longtime Foresight member Monica Anderson for setting up this November 4 Bay Area talk by another longtime Foresight member, Keith Lofstrom: Server-Sky: Solar powered server and communication arrays in Earth orbit. The EPA predicts US data center power consumption in 2011 will be  120 billion kilowatt hours, or 3% of total… Continue reading Server Sky: solar powered server and communications arrays in orbit

You saw it here first…

Researcher honored for experimental work in nanotechnology. — AFOSR via Eurekalert This is a re-announcement of Custance, Sugimoto, and Abe’ Feynman Prize from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. (I have a personal fondness for AFOSR since they funded some of my optical computing research back in the 80’s.) The Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology… Continue reading You saw it here first…

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Self-Propelling Bacteria Harnessed to Turn Gears

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Self-Propelling Bacteria Harnessed to Turn Gears. No, it’s not harnessing the flagellar rotory motor to turn nanogears, it’s harnessing the entire beast, statistically, to turn microgears. Still interesting.

Don Eigler: Two decades of nanotech – opinion – 14 October 2009 – New Scientist

Don Eigler: Two decades of nanotech – opinion – 14 October 2009 – New Scientist. An interview with Don Eigler of “IBM in 35 xenon atoms” fame. Has nanotechnology trickled down into everyday life yet? To some extent. It’s showing up in coatings, cosmetics and sunscreens, and it’s starting to show up in electronic devices.… Continue reading Don Eigler: Two decades of nanotech – opinion – 14 October 2009 – New Scientist

An Interview with Peter Diamandis, Founder of X PRIZE: On Colonizing Space and Reinventing the Philanthropy Model | OppGreen Insights

An Interview with Peter Diamandis, Founder of X PRIZE: On Colonizing Space and Reinventing the Philanthropy Model | OppGreen Insights. The money quote: PD: So today, one of my companies, Space Adventures, sends people into orbit privately. A trip is $40 million. Our next customer goes up in 5 days, Guy Laliberté, the founder of… Continue reading An Interview with Peter Diamandis, Founder of X PRIZE: On Colonizing Space and Reinventing the Philanthropy Model | OppGreen Insights

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