Directors have big plans for UTD nanotech center

from the deep-in-the-heart-of-Texas dept.
A flurry of news about the Nanotechnology Institute at the University of Texas-Dallas (UTD) appeared during August 2001 surround the appointment of Nobel Prize-winning chemist Alan G. MacDiarmid as chairman of the advisory board of UTD's new NanoTech Institute. MacDiarmid, who was awarded the Nobel in chemistry last year for his discoveries in conducting polymers, has been on faculty of the University of Pennsylvania since 1955, but will join UTD as a scholar in residence. Coverage appeared on Bcentral (20 August), Scripps-Howeard Reporter News (21 August) and Small Times (22 August) websites. According to the reports, MacDiarmid will also act as senior adviser on science and technology to UTD president Franklyn G. Jenifer.

Small Times also published an extensive interview (29 August) that included comments from MacDiarmid and the UDT Nanotech Instituteís new director, Dr. Ray Baughman, on their plans for development of the institute. Another interview with Baughman appeared on the Nanotech Planet website. Baughman assumed his post as director on 4 September 2001.

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