Hosted by
Hosted by
Planet Labs
Foresight Institute
Progress in space technologies is rapidly advancing, from near-term applications to long-term exploration.This two-day event invites leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders to drive progress. Explore new opportunities, form lasting collaborations, and join us in driving cooperation toward shared long-term goals.
Rapid keynotes are followed by working groups to curate opportunities for talent and funders, present at the workshop and beyond, to take on. Including mentorship hours, breakouts, and speaker & sponsor gathering. Agenda below. Apply to join as attendee, sponsor, or presenter.
Long-term Futures in Space
Progress in the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life
The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility.
We can't do the things in space we need to, and we don't know it
Satellite Trajectories
Space Longevity: Enabling the Expansion of the Human Race in Time and Space
Space Medicine Innovation
Space Medicine Innovation
Outer Space Law
BFRs are a BFD
Finite Concentrated Resources on the Moon and in Asteroids: consequences for law, policy, and ethics
Kinetic Space Launch: Minimally Murderous Mass-Drivers for Moving Man's Materials Moonward
Quantised Inertia: how this new cosmology can revolutionise space travel
The Cosmology of Space Law, and the Space Law Library
A Pipeline for the Future of Propulsive Landing
Statistical Risk Assessment and Situational Awareness
The Space Tech Tree
Life in the Universe and Private Sector Space Science Initiatives
Active Debris Removal and Increased Space Domain Awareness
Satellite Data for Biodiversity Protection
Space Economics
6.00 – 8.00 pm
Speaker & Sponsor Drinks @PebbleBed VC
09:00 – 10:00 am
10:00 – 10:30 am
Workshop goals
10:30 – 12:00 am
Lightning presentations
1. Adam Brown, Stanford – Long-term Futures in Space
2. Andrew Siemion, SETI – Progress in the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life
3. Bob Zubrin, Mars Society – The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility
4. Carol Stoker, NASA – The Search for Extant Life on Mars
5. Creon Levit, Planet Labs – Satellite Trajectories
6. David Furman, Furman Lab – Space Longevity: Enabling the Expansion of the Human Race in Time and Space
7. Steve “Bucky” Butow, Defense Innovation Unit – Active Debris Removal and Increased Space Domain Awareness
12:00 – 01:00 pm
Lunch (mentorship pairings)
01:00 – 02:30 pm
Lightning presentations
1. Ilaria Cinelli, Aikos Space – Space Medicine Innovation
2. Ian Brooke, Astro Mechanica – Space Medicine Innovation
3. Larry Lemke, NASA – BFRs are a BFD
4. Martin Elvis, Harvard Smithsonian – Finite Concentrated Resources on the Moon and in Asteroids: Consequences for law, policy, and ethics
5. Mike McCullogh, Plymouth University – Quantised Inertia: How This New Cosmology Can Revolutionize Space Travel
6. Mike Grace, LongShot – Kinetic Space Launch: Minimally Murderous Mass-Drivers for Moving Man’s Materials Moonward
7. Chris Boshuizen, DCVC – We Can’t Do the Things in Space We Need To, And We Don’t Know It Awareness
02:30 – 03:00 pm
03:00 – 04:30 pm
Lightning presentations
1. Nathan Johnson, Space Court Foundation – The Cosmology of Space Law, and the Space Law Library
2. Patrick Finley, Collegiate Propulsive Lander Challenge – A Pipeline for the Future of Propulsive Landing
3. S. Pete Worden, Breakthrough Initiatives – Life in the Universe and Private Sector Space Science Initiatives
4. Konstantinos Konstantinidis, MASP – The Space Tech Tree
5. Rachit Bhatia, LeoLabs – Space Situational Awareness
6. John Karcz, NASA – Space Economics
04:30 – 05:30 pm
Working group formation
05:30 – 07:00 pm
Dinner (mentorship pairings)
07:00 – 09:00 pm
Breakout drinks
09:00 – 10:00 am
10:00 – 12:00 pm
Working groups
12:00 – 01:00 pm
Lunch (mentorship pairings)
01:00 – 03:00 pm
Working group presentations
03:00 – 04:00 pm
Next steps
04:00 – 06:00 pm
Aftershow drinks (mentorship pairings)