Nanotechnology could revolutionize diagnostics

A nanotech barcode could revolutionize medical diagnostics by providing a very sensitive method of counting individual messenger RNA molecules.

Nanotechnology makes radiation therapy of cancer more effective

A nanotech approach to overcoming the resistance of some cancer cells to radiation therapy has been successfully tested in mice.

Nanotechnology produces material to almost instantly stop bleeding

In an application of nanotechnology to medicine, a nanotech material has been produced that self-assembles in the presence of bodily fluids into highly hydrated fibers that stop bleeding within 15 seconds.

Nanotechnology provides worm-like structures to gang up on cancer cells

Researchers have joined about eight nanoparticles together to make nanostructures resembling segmented worms, and find these survive many hours.

Nanotechnology to kill bacteria OK in hospitals but suspect in commercial products

There is hope that nanotechnology in the form of silver nanoparticles will provide protection against drug-resistant bacteria in hospitals, but there is also concern that unregulated use of silver nanoparticles in commercial products will damage the environment.

Nanodot readers invited to create/edit nano-scenarios

We’ve received an invitation to participate in the Center for Nanotechnology in Society’s project to build and critique nanotechnology scenarios. Current topics to edit in the wiki, or you can add your own: * Barless Prisons * Bionic Eyes * Living with a Brain Chip * Disease Detector * Automated Sewer Surveillance * Engineered Tissues

Core-shell nanoparticles reveal how nanotechnology can improve cancer drug delivery

Studies of how molecules are released from nanoparticles when they encounter cancer cells and of how the nanoparticles break down prematurely while circulating in the blood point toward ways to improve the nanotech delivery of therapeutic drugs into cancer cells.

Nanotechnology encapsulation delivers RNA interference agents 10-fold more effectively

RNA interference (RNAi) is a way to decrease expression of a specific gene without otherwise affecting the cell, and it therefore could be a very promising treatment for a wide variety of diseases—if it could be reliably delivered into the diseased cell cytoplasm. One possible nanotech solution to this problem takes the form of a… Continue reading Nanotechnology encapsulation delivers RNA interference agents 10-fold more effectively

Forever young with nanotechnology

To round out our week in nanotech on an upbeat note, we have Caltech professor Michael Roukes‘ podcast over at Earth & Sky: Forever Young. In addition to the podcast, and there’s more at the Power of Small television show on medical applications of nanotechnology, which also appears to use the title Forever Young. From… Continue reading Forever young with nanotechnology

Nanotech approach kills resistant cancer cells

The peptide nanostructure is activated by a protein-cutting enzyme found on certain cancer cells so that the activated peptide aligns the crown ethers to punch holes in the cancer cell membranes.

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