Medicinal Buckyballs

TanMauWu writes "Wired has an article ("Buckyballs Make Fantastic Voyage", by Jill Neimark, 1 August 2001) about using buckminsterfullerenes as tiny drug dispensers. Advantages of buckyballs as cited by the article include size (they're small), reactivity (they're not), and toxicity (also not). There's even a quote from R.A. Freitas, Jr., author of Nanomedicine."

The article focuses on the work of C-Sixty, a Toronto-based company that is applying to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Phase I testing and fast-track status on a novel fullerene drug for HIV that has shown great promise in animal studies, even against drug-resistant forms of the virus.

Scripps researchers test artificial peptide nanotubes as antibiotics

from the self-assembling-bug-busters dept.
A research team at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) led by M. Reza Ghadiri have developed antibiotic agents based on self-assembling cyclic peptide nanotubes that which stack inside the cell membranes of bacteria and poke holes in the membranes, killing the cells. They reported on their research in the 26 July 2001 issue of Nature. The team synthesized rings of amino acids, the building blocks of peptides, which stack up to form tubes in bacterial cell walls. These self-assembling peptide nanotubes cleared infections of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in mice, even when injected far from the site of infection. Early work in this research project won Ghadiri Foresightís 1998 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology for Experimental Work.

Read more for links to additional media coverage of this research.

NCI official envisions medical nanotechnology

from the The-vision-thing dept.
The medical applications of nanotechnology will change the shape of medicine, said Dr. Carol Dahl, director of the Office of Technology and Industrial Relations at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, according to a report from United Press International ("Nanomedicine: The new frontier", by K. Samson, 23 July 2001). Dahl spoke during a special briefing, titled ìThe Promise of Nanotechnology: The Coming Revolution in Medicine,î presented at the National Health Council on 23 July 2001.

Read more for details and links to additional coverage of the event.

Artificial enzyme tested for medical use in humans

from the early-nanomedicine dept.
MetaPhore Pharmaceuticals, based in St. Louis, Mo., announced on 12 July 2001 that it has completed initial human clinical studies of an artificial enzyme-mimic molecule that scavenges free radicals inside cells. MetaPhore says it is only the first candidate from its proprietary family of free-radical fighting enzyme mimetics.

The initial clinical trials showed the drug to be safe and well tolerated, according to the company press release. The studies are also significant because they represent the first time that a small molecule drug developed to mimic an enzymeís activity has been tested in humans, based on published reports. MetaPhore says its enzyme mimetics work by replicating the catalytic activity of the natural enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), the bodyís natural defense against free radical damage to tissues and cells. The natural regulation of superoxide free radicals by SOD, however, is unbalanced in certain disease states, including cancer, when the bodyís immune system prompts an overproduction of superoxide and the natural SOD enzymes become overwhelmed.

The release also states that additional pre-clinical studies conducted by MetaPhore researchers and others indicate that SOD enzyme mimetics hold extensive potential for a wide array of diseases and conditions associated with free-radical damage, including pain and inflammation, stroke, heart attack as well as certain types of cancers. It is worth noting that some theories of aging mechanisms are associated with free-radical damage to tissue and cells.

Article on nanodentistry by R.A. Freitas in JADA

from the oral-robots dept.
An article by Robert A Freitas Jr., author of Nanomedicine, on the potential applications of advanced nanotechnology to dental care, appeared in the November 2000 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA). That article is now available from the JADA website. To access the article, click on the link for Archives, and choose the options for the November 2000 issue. In the listing of the issues contents, choose the Nanodentistry article. The article is available as either a HTML web page or an Acrobat PDF file.

A commentary by Titus L. Schleyer, DMD, chair of the department of dental informatics at Temple University in Philadelphia, is also available.

The JADA content will only be available through the end of 2001; thereafter, it requires a subscription for access.

Japanese researchers create medical microbot

from the in-a-spin dept.
The New Scientist Magazine reports that a team of micromachine experts at Tohoku University in Japan have developed a millimeter scale medical robot that could swim along veins, ferrying drugs to infected tissues, or even burrow into tumours to kill them off with a hot lance. The devices are actually tiny spinning screws based on cylindrical magnets. Measuring eight millimetres long and less than a millimetre in diameter (about the size of a rice grain), each magnet is made of a neodymium-iron-boron alloy. When an external magnetic field is applied, the screws literally drill their way through fluids or, in one test case, two centimeters of solid flesh (beef steak).

Additional coverage can be found at News and The Times of London.

Researchers culture brain cells from cadavers

from the ambiguous-significance dept.
Patrick Underwood writes "An ABC News web story describes how scientists revived brain cells from dead people."

According to a press release, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California say the cells grew after they extracted brain tissue from human cadavers and surgery biopsies and put it in petri dishes with chemical nourishment. The study used brain tissue harvested from 23 individuals ranging in age from 11 weeks to 72 years old within 20 hours after death. Cells from each sample grew, but the tissue from older individuals yielded fewer viable cells. The recovered cells had the ability to differentiate into different types of brain cells. The cell types observed include neurons, the cells that form the "wiring" of the nervous system; astrocytes, which nourish and protect neurons; and oligodendrocytes, which insulate neurons with a myelin sheath. The Salk team's report appeared in the 3 May 2001 issue of Nature.

There is also an article on the BBC web site.

Nanomedicine author describes medical nanorobot to digest microbes

from the digest-and-discharge dept.
In a recent technical paper, Robert A. Freitas Jr., author of Nanomedicine and a research scientist at Zyvex, describes an artificial mechanical phagocyte called a microbivore — the nanorobotic equivalent of a major class of natural blood cells — the white cells. Major antimicrobial defenses include circulating white cells capable of phagocytosis (engulfing and digesting other cells).

In his paper, Freitas presents a theoretical nanorobot scaling study for artificial mechanical phagocytes of microscopic size, called "microbivores," whose primary function is to destroy microbiological pathogens found in the human bloodstream using a "digest and discharge protocol". Freitas concludes microbivores would be up to 1000 times faster-acting than either natural or antibiotic-assisted biological phagocytic defenses, and about 80 times more efficient as phagocytic agents than macrophages, the white blood cells that are the primary cell-digesting agents in humans. He also notes: "Besides intravenous bacterial scavenging, microbivores or related devices may also be used to help clear respiratory, urinary, or cerebrospinal bacterial infections; eliminate bacterial toxemias and biofilms; eradicate viral, fungal, and parasitic infections; disinfect surfaces, foodstuffs, or organic samples; and help clean up biohazards and toxic chemicals."

A brief summary of the paper was published by the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing in Foresight Update #44. For much, much more information on the potential medical applications of advanced nanotechnology, see the Nanomedicine pages on the Foresight website.

Nanomedicine Featured in The Lancet

from the Whatís-Up,-Doc? dept.

A brief overview of the emerging field of nanomedicine appeared in the prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet ("Macrodoctor, come meet the nanodoctors," by K.Morris, 10 March 2001). The article begins with the vision of advanced medical nanotechnology presented by Robert A. Freitas Jr. in Nanomedicine, then moves on to present examples of current research that is laying the foundations for the development of actual medical nanosystems. The article also addresses safety concerns, and makes note of the Foresight Guidelines for safe research and development of nanotechnology. As the article concludes, ìthe beauty of nanomedicine is that systems will be specifically designed then self-built, molecule by molecule, for any function, at any level down to the atom. Perhaps this is why the forward-thinking chair of Foresight, Eric Drexler, predicts that nanomedicine will dominate medical technology research for at least half this century.î

Note: Access to the online version of The Lancet is free, but requires registration.

The Economist vs. life extension

from the non-visionary dept.
A normally-sensible publication, The Economist has come out against life extension in an article titled "Who wants to live for ever?" Excerpts: "Average life expectancy has risen greatly. The span of individual life has not. Would it be a good thing if it did? No…If people were to live a lot longer, and everything else stayed the same, old people would soon end up a huge majority. Ugh…Who wants it anyway? A world of seen-it-all-before, weary crumblies would be a depressing place to live in."

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