Growing interest in nanotech among venture investors

from the dollars-and-sense dept.
Two recent articles point out the growing interest among venture capitalists and other investors in the potential of nanotechnology:
The views of venture capitalist (and Foresight Senior Associate) Steve Jurvetson and associate Warren Packard on nanotechnology are profiled in the San Francisco Business Times ("Jurvetson pins big hopes on tiny nanomachines", by M. Calvey, 13 July 2001). The article quotes Jurvetson: "We are entering an era of exponential growth in our capabilities in biotech, molecular engineering and computing . . . The cross-fertilization of these formerly discrete domains compounds our rate of learning and our engineering capabilities." Jurvetson also had an article on nanotechnology in Red Herring Magazine in June 2001.
An article by Jayne Fried at the Small Times website ("Venture capitalists listen, learn as scientists discuss nanobiotech", 17 July 2001) discusses interest expressed by potential investors at a recent conference on nanobiotechnology.

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