Hebrew University inaugurates nanotech center

from the World-Watch dept.
An article in the Jerusalem Post ("Hebrew University to invest $40m. in new nanotech center", by Tania Hershman, 6 January 2002) describes the inauguration of activities of a new Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Hebrew University. The event marks the culmination of a months-long fundraising effort that began last June, and will lead to the construction of a new building to house the center later. According to the article, what is being launched now is the official cross-disciplinary activity that will involve Hebrew University scientists from the physics, chemistry, engineering and life sciences faculties. In October 2002, the university will begin offering undergraduate courses in the field.
"The physical building will take a couple of years. We are in the process of designing it now," Hebrew University president, professor Menachem Magidor told The Jerusalem Post. "Today is the organizational inauguration. In six months we will inaugurate one [physical] component, the Center for Microcharacterization and Electron Microscopy."

Additonal background on the HU Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology can be found in this article from June 2001 from the Small Times website.

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