India Daily runs disturbing military nanotech editorial

By a staff reporter at India Daily: "Fourth, the most dangerous Nano-application use for military purposes is the Nano-bomb that contain engineered self multiplying deadly viruses that can continue to wipe out a community, country or even a civilization. Militaries all around the world is about to embark upon the use of Nano-materials, Nano-bots and Nano-technologies that will make current Weapons of mass Destruction look miniscule. Armies of enormous strengths can be wiped out slowly without even fighting a single battle. The soldiers may never know that they have been nano-poisoned." Three causes for concern here: first, the errors in the article (e.g., viruses would be biotech, not nanotech); second, the possibility of over-reaction; and third, the real issues raised by military use of advanced nanotech in the longer term.

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