Magazine soliciting nanotechnology articles

Paul C. Easton writes "Former Foresight Update editor Lew Phelps brings to our attention that The World & I magazine is soliciting articles about nanotechnology. Specific topics may include nanotechnology applications in materials design, electronics, robotics, health care, environment, energy conversion, transportation, and national security. Articles on the ethical and social implications of nanotechnology will also be considered."

Paul C. Easton continues:

The magazine will remunerate authors on a per-article basis in an amount determined by the length of the article, the complexity of special research required, and the experience of the author.

The World & I is a multidisciplinary, monthly magazine published in Washington, D.C. The magazine is written for an educated lay audience and has many libraries, colleges, and high schools as subscribers. The magazine's Web site is located at and its Writer's Guidelines are available at

For more information, contact The World & I Natural Science editor, Dinshaw Dadachanji, by e-mail at [email protected].

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