Toward atomic-scale computing with nanotechnology

Christian Joachim (who shared the Foresight Nanotech Institute Feynman Prize in the Experimental category in 1997 and won in the Theoretical category in 2005) is heading a group of researchers working to bring about atomic-scale computing. ScienceDaily led us to this European Commission ICT Results feature “Computing in a molecule“, which describes their on-going efforts:… Continue reading Toward atomic-scale computing with nanotechnology

Graphitic memory

A recent paper from Feynman Prize winner James Tour’s group at Rice relates an interesting new form of memory based on a bistable 2-terminal graphitic switch. Once developed, the switch could form the basis of a high-density non-volatile storage which might replace flash devices (which are already beginning to replace magnetic disks). Rice press release

STM brings near-atomic resolution to graphene nanotechnology

The recent demonstration of the ability to “fully engineer the electronic band gap of graphene” is a major advance in the top-down approach to nanotech applications that take advantage of the many marvelous properties of graphene.

Multiple nanotechnology paths lead to harvesting solar energy

Two stories today in ScienceDaily point to different nanotech applications that could enable a solar solution to our energy problems.

Nanotechnology produces highly conductive, single-molecule junction between electrodes

Nanotech has taken a major step along the road to molecular electronics with the demonstration that one molecule of benzene can form a highly conductive junction between two platinum electrodes.

Toward atomically precise graphene structures for nanotechnology

Researchers have demonstrated atomically precise cuts through a few graphene layers.

Nanotechnology for inexpensive plastic memory

A new concept for a very cheap plastic nanotech memory has been developed by combining the favorable properties of ferroelectrics and semiconductors.

New measurements of charge dynamics of graphene may guide potential nanotechnology applications

Very precise measurements confirmed many of the unusual effects theoretically predicted for graphene, but they also revealed effects of unanticipated additional interactions, which are not yet understood.

New memory technology made possible by nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has provided a fourth fundamental two-terminal passive element for electronic circuits.

Graphene looks more and more like the ideal material for nanotech transistors

Graphene has now been shown to retain essential properties when used to make transistors at the one-nanometer-scale.

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