Nano Today goes independent

Congratulations to editor Cordelia Sealy and her team over at Nano Today, which has just launched as an independent publication, no longer a supplement to Materials Today. The first stand-alone issue has meaty review articles, research news, some business news, and a surprising amount of policy commentary, including an opinion piece (PDF) by David Berube calling for a SEIN (societal and ethical implications of nanotech) summit.

Also surprising — in what one would expect to be a technical publication — is a prominently placed opinion piece (PDF) by Donald Bruce of the Church of Scotland. The primary theme is his opposition to using nanotechnology for human enhancement. I suspect that it will be difficult to sell this position in Asia and also to less-conservative groups elsewhere.

The description page says that “Nano Today is available free of charge to registered readers” (i.e., “readers who match our circulation profile”). The paper edition shows a subscription price of US$75.

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