Much faster directed evolution of proteins could speed development of molecular machine systems

Phage-assisted continuous evolution of proteins is roughly a hundred times faster than conventional laboratory evolution of proteins, perhaps speeding the development of components for molecular machine systems.

Nanotechnology boosts anticancer drug cocktail many times over

Porous silica nanoparticles covered with a lipid bilayer deliver large doses of drugs and kill cancer cells a million fold better than do simple liposomes.

DNA nanotechnology builds 3D forms with complex curves (includes video)

The capabilities of scaffolded DNA origami procedures have been expanded to construct arbitrary, two- and three-dimensional shapes.

High-resolution structure reveals versatility of RNA nanotechnology

A high-resolution crystal structure of a small square made by self-assembly of RNA molecules reveals each corner of the square to have a unique structure.

Nanotechnology promises low-cost method to squash superbugs

Novel biodegradable nanoparticles destroy membranes of drug-resistant ‘superbugs’ without harming blood cell membranes.

Confining enzymes in specially engineered nanoporous materials may advance nanotechnology

Engineering both the pore size and chemical functionality of nanoporous materials affects both the secondary structure and the catalytic activity of the enzymes confined in the nanopores.

Will more efficient protein folding program advance nanotechnology?

MIT scientists have devised much more efficient procedures for modeling protein folding in order to be able to model the folding of the flood of proteins sequences made available by modern genome sequencing methods.

AFM visualization of molecular robot moving along DNA scaffold (with video)

Researchers in the UK and Japan use atomic force microscopy to visualize a DNA molecular robot moving along a 100-nm DNA track.

Controlling the orientation and stretching of DNA attached to a surface

A shear flow processing method has been developed to control the surface attachment and orientation of DNA molecules to use for DNA-organic semiconductor molecular building blocks.

Work theoretically extracted from molecular motor

Computational work links optically-induced molecular shape change to change in DNA structure to extract useful work.

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