Using X-rays to check molecular motion simulations could improve nanotechnology device design

A new nanotech method of measuring “blurred” molecular motions promises to improve the accuracy of molecular motion simulations.

Reynolds promotes nanotechnology for Earth Day

Foresight advisor Glenn Reynolds opines about nanotech in the NY Post for Earth Day: MIT’s Vladimir Bulovic calls nanotech a potentially “disruptive technology” in the solar-energy field, offering a complete shift from today’s fossil-fuel environment… Nanotech offers dramatic improvements on the side of energy consumption, too: As computing and other devices become smaller, they become… Continue reading Reynolds promotes nanotechnology for Earth Day

Graphene looks more and more like the ideal material for nanotech transistors

Graphene has now been shown to retain essential properties when used to make transistors at the one-nanometer-scale.

Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

It’s great to see ambitious goals being set in nanotechnology, like these “molecular mini-factories“. Researchers from a wide range of disciplines at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will be joining forces in the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS). They will be investigating the exact mechanism behind self-organization, the principle behind all life on earth.… Continue reading Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

Large area graphene films may lead to inexpensive nanotech solar cells

In a proof-of-concept demonstration, large area graphene films several atomic layers thick were inexpensively produced.

Nanotechnology produces molecular switches that might lead to petabyte electronic memory

Nanotechnology using a molecular-scale switch could enable storing half a petabyte on one square inch.

Artificial atoms produced using nanotechnology may form new type of computer memory

Using nanotechnology to control the spin of a single electron in a carbon nanotube might lead to replacing conventional semiconductor transistors with a carbon nanotube or single molecule.

Coaxial carbon nanotubes used to make nanotechnology cargo hauler

European nanotechnology researchers have moved a gold cargo about 500 nm along a carbon nanotube ‘Monorail”.

Nanotechnology researchers demonstrate concept for new computer memory

IBM scientists provided a proof-of-concept demonstration of a new type of nanotechnology-enabled computer memory in which magnetic domain walls are moved along a nanowire “racetrack”.

Automated molecular evolution as a tool for nanotechnology

Lab-on-a-chip technology has been used to automate the evolution of molecules so that this approach might prove useful for nanotech purposes.

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