NBA hopes to create regional, international hubs

from the self-replicating-organizations dept.
An article from United Press International ("Business group spreads word on nano", by Scott R. Burnell, 15 February 2002) profiles the NanoBusiness Alliance. According to the report, the industry group focusing on nanotechnology is establishing more than 20 regional offices this year to spur growth in the technology, with its first regional "hubs" to be set up in Washington, D.C. and Denver. The group expects to have about 25 hubs operating by year's end, in locations such as Boston, California's Silicon Valley, Israel and Canada.

UK Govt. drafts laws that may censor nanotech research

Vik writes "According to this BBC article, the UK Government wishes to pass laws that allow it to veto research – even from the private sector – and to censor the publication of results.

While nanotechnology is not explicitly mentioned, it looks like the thin end of an anonymous wedge to curb research into any technology that the UK Government sees as being destabilising.

A list of "sensitive" technologoes is to be maintained, and students using them will have to be licenced by the government. Academics are livid. It is draconian stuff indeed, being one of those dreadful forms of legislation which prohibit a wide range of commonplace acts but are only enacted when the Government or police feel like it.

Vik :v)"

Update: More coverage on this issue appeared in the New Scientist (18 February 2002).

Possible cloning ban: effect on nanotech?

from the temporary-controversy dept.
Excerpted from the Feb. 2002 Foresight Senior Associate Letter, by Eric Drexler and Chris Peterson: "The U.S. Senate is debating a possible complete ban on human cloning, both therapeutic and reproductive. People who object to both are objecting to tampering with cells that (via reproductive cloning) could lead to human life. Such a ban could be passed without much public comment, so if you have strong views on this, get them in immediately; see for info on how.

"If such a ban were passed, it would not obstruct progress toward molecular manufacturing: cloning isn't an enabling technology here. In the long term, advanced nanotechnologies will eliminate the incentive for therapeutic cloning, so those who oppose such procedures may become strong advocates of nanotechnology."

D'Souza: Tech progress can bring moral progress

from the both-gains-and-dangers dept.
Foresight director Jim Bennett brings to our attention this item from Red Herring by Dinesh D'Souza on whether technology can further tradition human values: "The critics focus on the moral dangers of technology. Those dangers–of technological hubris and undermining human dignity–do exist, and we should debate them. But what the critics miss is the possibility of moral gains. Used correctly, technology can generate moral progress by strengthening and affirming our highest values, as we have seen it do in the past. Technology doesn't just offer us the chance to be better off; it offers us the chance to make a better society." His examples are the ending of slavery, emancipation of women, and extending human lifespan.

UTA Prof foresees medical nanorobots

from the so-there-TNT-Weekly dept.
Prof. Wiley Kirk of the Center for Nanostructure Materials and Quantum Device Fabrication (NanoFab) at University of Texas at Arlington was quoted in the Fort Worth Business Press (Dec. 6, 2001): "Dr. Kirk, who began moving atoms in the NanoFab center this summer, describes exciting potential medical developments utilizing nanostructures. 'We could have tiny robots circulating in the bloodstream to deliver drugs to cancer cells without harming healthy cells. They might bring extra intelligence to artificial limbs, eyes and hands." The research team also envisions these robots clearing clogged arteries or repairing damaged tissue, as well as the possibility of repairing defective DNA in human cells." The news article appears to be unavailable online.

Online discussion of "engaging the Greens" on nanotech, relinquishment

Anonymous Coward writes "Greenpeace, noted peace and ecology NGO, is hosting a debate on arms races and relenquishment – it's unofficial but is pretty detailed. It appears that the organization is debating Bill Joy's arguments and the general strategies of de-escalation and relenquishment."

More on this discussion was posted by jbash, who writes "People around Foresight are always talking about how we (whoever "we" are) need to go and engage the Green types (whoever they are) and talk about the implications of nanotechnology machine intelligence, and whatnot. Well, I was tracing some links from this very site, and, lo! I found one of "them" saying something about engaging "us".

Read more for the lengthy remainder of jbashís remarks.

NOTE: The Greenpeace site is extremely sssslllooooowwwww . . .

Global Greens discussing common AI and ALife policies

Anonymous Coward writes "The Global Green Parties are discussing common policies regarding artificial intelligence and artificial life. Please come contribute."

C/NET Investor covers nanotechnology

from the Most-scientists-believe? dept.
A fairly decent investment-oriented article on nanotechnology appeared on the CNET website ("Is small the next big thing?", by Tiffany Kary, 11 February 2002; the article also appears on the ZDnet website at As the article notes, "The revolution won't happen overnight, and even nanotechnology's biggest supporters acknowledge that the field could become the next craze–think dot-coms–in which hype outruns real application and business sense. Nevertheless, recent developments indicate that the science is progressing well beyond the "white paper" stage. For starters, the government, tech titans and venture capitalists are pouring money into the field, producing breakthroughs that have enabled several companies to make nanotechnology product announcements. These prospects have grabbed VCs' attention."

The article notes the increasing level of research activity, government and private financing, and interest by the investment community, and surveys important work by companies ranging from giants like IBM and Hewlett-Packard down to start-ups such as Nantero.

Looking farther ahead, the article makes the somewhat incredible claim that, while nanorobots are hypothetical, "most scientists believe there will be some form of "molecular assembler" within the next 20 years, and that the device will serve a concrete purpose." The article then follows a typical pattern in presenting of the ideas proposed by Eric Drexler, followed by the "grey goo" willies of Bill Joy, and the distancing dance skeptics perform when confronted with long-term possibilities of advance molecular nanotechnology. The article quotes Josh Wolfe of Lux Capital, a nanotech-oriented venture capital firm: According to the article, Wolfe said he has seen plenty of business proposals based on such ideas, but he considers them implausible.

"It's utter nonsense–thoughts that you can change the economy because you can manufacture things instantaneously at your desk by just hitting a button," Wolfe said. . . . As far as Wolfe is concerned, any technology based on the "Drexlerian vision of nanotech"–that is, the self-replicating assembler–should be put in its place. These far-out ideas should "promote ethical debates and get people involved," but "investors should not be looking at that type of thing," he said.

[Thanks to David Wallace Croft and Patrick Underwood for posting a notices about this item.]

More on Bush FY03 budget: not all the news is good.

Analysts and pundits are looking over the big increase in nanotech-related R&D funding requested by the Bush Administration on 4 February 2002.

Jurvetson on Nanoelectronics

Kevin Keck writes "Steve Jurvetson, Senior Associate and well-known VC, will be speaking and leading a panel entitled "Nanoelectronics: The Quantum Leap from Theory to Practice" at Stanford Business School on Tuesday, February 19, sponsored by the MIT/Stanford Venture Laboratory. On the panel are Stan Williams, Director of Quantum Science Research at HP; Randy Levine, CEO of ZettaCore; Scott Mize, CEO of AngstroVision; and Kyepongjae (KJ) Cho, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University."

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