Computational nanotechnology designs more efficient material for solar cells

Combining electrically conductive polymers, transition metal atoms, and spin-coating to form thin films could lead to solar cells with two major advantages that would make them more efficient at converting light to electricity.

Functionally connecting protein domains adds to nanotechnology toolbox

Scientists were able to engineer functional communication between two unrelated proteins by taking advantage of the fact that each protein exhibits allosteric regulation.

Structural DNA nanotechnology in living cells

Two basic structural motifs of DNA nanotechnology have been efficiently and inexpensively replicated in bacterial cells.

Cut-and-paste single molecule nanotechnology using DNA

A group of German scientists have developed a new slant on DNA nanotechnology by using atomic force microscopy to assemble a DNA scaffold on a surface to which molecular building blocks can then bind.

Nanotechnology delivers suicide gene to pancreatic cancer cells

Combining a nanotech method of getting genes inside cancer cells with genetic engineering of a potent suicide gene driven by control signals that are very active only in cancer cells effectively killed cell lines derived from pancreatic cancer.

European conference focuses on nanotechnology as alternative to fossil fuels

Nanotech pathways to a sustainable energy economy are generating a great deal of interest in Europe.

Is the patent system stifling nanotechnology?

Will “blocking patents” delay nanotech advances, as has happened with biotechmedical advances?

Flipping a pair of atoms back and forth using nanotechnology

Upon exposure to electrons from an STM tip, pairs of platinum atoms on a germanium surface can be made to pivot on one atom, swinging back and forth like a flipper on a pinball machine.

Self-assembled square arrays may lead nanotechnology to very small electronic devices

Nanotech methods for making very small electronic devices may benefit from a new ability to make block copolymers self-assemble into square arrays.

Nanotechnology may need to account for proteins that coat nanoparticles used for drug delivery

Different chemical surfaces covering a nanoparticle can attract different types of blood proteins to coat the nanoparticle, which might affect how the nanoparticle moves through the body and where it ends up.

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