from the not-what-I-was-thinking,-but-OK dept.
According to a press release for an upcoming conference on the medical applications of micro- and nanotechnologies, "the university, the city of Columbus, and the state of Ohio have invested heavily in the development of micro- and nanotechnology," says Mauro Ferrari, director of the Biomedical Engineering Center, and associate director of the Heart and Lung Institute at Ohio State.
In September, Ohio State University will host a comprehensive international conference devoted the medical uses of micro- and nanotechnology. About 70 research papers have been scheduled to be presented at "BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology World 2000." The conference will run September 23 through 26 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus.
The release concludes: "When people hear 'microelectronics,' they think of Silicon Valley," Ferrari Said. "Ten years from now, when people hear 'nanotechnology,' we want them to think of Ohio."