A better nanotechnology definition: U.S. NNI gives up

Although the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative’s previous definition of nanotechnology was confusing, at least they were trying to make it more relevant than the usual “anything 1-100 nm” nanotech definition used by so many. Sadly, they’ve given up and are now using this: “Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly… Continue reading A better nanotechnology definition: U.S. NNI gives up

Bottom-up nanotechnology to be speeded by nanoliter-on-a-chip reactors

Great news in the August 2006 issue of Nano Today in an opinion piece by two UCLA researchers, Guodong Sui and Hsian-Rong Tseng, titled “Reactions in hand: Digitally controlled microreactors are providing chemists with a new playground for discovery.” First, some background. As an MIT undergrad in chemistry, I tried to make reactions work in… Continue reading Bottom-up nanotechnology to be speeded by nanoliter-on-a-chip reactors

Church of Scotland wants nanotechnology to respect certain limits drawn from…the arts?

Rocky Rawstern of Nanotechnology Now brings our attention to an article in The Scotsman on the views of Dr. Donald Bruce, head of the Church of Scotland’s Society, Religion and Technology Project. While there is much that we would agree with in Dr. Bruce’s position — for example, a concern about nanotechnology possibly leading to… Continue reading Church of Scotland wants nanotechnology to respect certain limits drawn from…the arts?

Is opposing nanotechnology really being Friendly to the Earth?

Friends of the Earth Australia has published a special issue of their magazine titled Nanotechnology: Small Science, Big Questions! (4.3 MB PDF). It includes over 17 short pieces opposing or questioning the endeavor. On the upside, the group does appear to appreciate the magnitude of the changes that will eventually come from the more advanced… Continue reading Is opposing nanotechnology really being Friendly to the Earth?

Bill Joy suggests insurance as risk reduction mechanism for nanotechnology

In an essay on KurzweilAI.net reprinted from New Scientist, Bill Joy — whose Wired essay titled Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us touched off a big controversy — suggests insurance as a mechanism to reduce risk from powerful technologies including nanotech: We could use the very strong force of markets. Rather than regulate things, we… Continue reading Bill Joy suggests insurance as risk reduction mechanism for nanotechnology

Hotmail founder to build Nano City in India

Edward Iwata of USA Today reports that Hotmail founder Sabeer Bhatia has ambitious plans for India: The most ambitious project may be “Nano City,” a $10 billion, environmentally sustainable development unveiled in April by entrepreneur Bhatia and the Haryana state government in northern India. Modeled after Silicon Valley, Nano City will feature R&D and educational… Continue reading Hotmail founder to build Nano City in India

Public participation in nanotech slides posted

A message from Cate Alexander, Communications Director of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, about the May 2006 workshop on public participation which included Foresight: We have posted materials from the Public Participation in Nanotechnology workshop at http://www.nano.gov/html/society/home_society.html A few presentations are being converted from Mac to PC format and will be added to the… Continue reading Public participation in nanotech slides posted

German philosophers take on nanotechnology

It had to happen: a book in which German philosophers direct their attention to nanotech. (Ethicists and social scientists too.) Excerpts from the English abstracts (pdf), with my commentary inserted: An account is provided of how the purpose of gaining knowledge is reoriented towards purposes of application. This helps clear up the relation of discovery… Continue reading German philosophers take on nanotechnology

Nanotech industry advocates gear up to fight back

From a piece in Red Herring: “Mark Mansour, an attorney for Foley & Lardner, issued the warning during a talk at the NanoBusiness 2006 conference in New York City. He said nanotech businesses need to step up their efforts to explain the complex technology to the public—before their foes do… ” ‘Friends of the Earth… Continue reading Nanotech industry advocates gear up to fight back

Webcast: Nanopundits at National Press Club

Earlier I reported that the National Press Club meeting on nanotech sponsored by IIT’s Center on Nanotechnology & Society would be webcast. It’s now up, in four parts, at the meeting’s web page (requires Real Player). Particularly colorful: Andrew Kimbrell (who opposes nanotech) and Congressman Brad Sherman. Sean Murdock and John Sargent give pro-tech views.… Continue reading Webcast: Nanopundits at National Press Club

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